JAWS Power Tip: How To Use the New Picture Smart AI Keystroke to Describe an Image in Context
Released: 7/11/2024
In the July update of JAWS 2024, we added a new keystroke to describe an image based on your current application or context.
This eliminates the need to remember which keystroke to use when you need a description of a control or application window.
Press INSERT+SPACEBAR, P, then ENTER to get a description of the image in focus.
For instance:
⚪ If someone is presenting in Teams, it describes the current slide.
⚪ If you are on a web page, it describes the current image or control.
⚪ If you are in File Explorer, it describes the currently selected file.
⚪ If you are in PowerPoint, it describes the entire screen.
The Power of JAWS!
This Tip Brought To You By: Freedom Scientific
To learn more visit the Freedom Scientific website, join the JAWS Software f/t Blind Club on Clubhouse, follow @FreedomSci on Twitter or Facebook, ask your smart speaker to play the Freedom Scientific Training Podcast or subscribe to the Freedom Scientific Training YouTube Channel. |
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