Hello and welcome to the Calendar for Advertisers.
What is the Calendar for Advertisers?
The Calendar for Advertisers is a public Google Calendar used by all Top Tech Tidbits Advertisers to determine (and ultimately secure) available advertisement dates.
Each issue of Top Tech Tidbits includes only one (1) Featured Advertisement and one (1) Spotlight Advertisement, hence the need for Sponsors to secure their dates for these advertisements ahead of time.
How To Use The Calendar for Advertisers
The Calendar for Advertisers is read-only. While you can add events to the calendar, the events that you add will appear only to you, and will not actually populate the calendar.
How To Identify Available Featured or Spotlight Advertisement Dates:
Simply locate a Thursday that you wish to secure, which does not already have a Featured or Spotlight Advertisement listed within it, and then send that date to our Publisher at:
Once you receive confirmation that your advertisement date has been secured, you can submit your Featured Advertisement or Spotlight Advertisement assets whenever you are ready.
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