Top Tech Tidbits BVI Technology Listserv Directory Submission Form

Masthead logo includes title as well as five stylized access logos, clockwise a long cane user, enlarged print, fingers signing interpreter, full braille cell, hearing aid user.

Submissions: If you are the administrator of a Listserv dedicated to accessibility, adaptive or assistive technology, or any other technology that has been widely embraced by the blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, neurodivergent and/or disabled communities, and you would like to have that Listserv included in this directory, please fill out and submit this short form.

Listserv Selection: In order for your submission to be included it must be approved by at least 2 out of 3 Tidbits Editors as providing ongoing usefulness to the blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, neurodivergent and/or disabled communities.

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