Top Tech Tidbits
Sponsor Featured Advertisement Submission Form

Masthead logo includes title as well as five stylized access logos, clockwise a long cane user, enlarged print, fingers signing interpreter, full braille cell, hearing aid user.

Top Tech Tidbits Sponsors may use this form to submit their Featured Advertisement.

Time Left To Submit For Publication in Next Issue:

Prior Scheduling Required:

Please note that prior to submitting the assets for your Featured Advertisement using this form you will first need to schedule your Featured Advertisement ✉ by visiting the Sponsor Calendar, locating a THURSDAY that does not yet have a Featured Advertisement listed within it, and then sending that date (or dates) to our Publisher at ✉.

Once your date has been secured ✉ by being added to the Top Tech Tidbits Sponsor Calendar you can then use this form to submit your assets prior to that date.

Deadline For Submission:

In order for your FEATURED ADVERTISEMENT to be published in any issue it must be received with a timestamp BY OR BEFORE 3:00 PM PT | 4:00 PM MT | 5:00 PM CT | 6:00 PM ET on the WEDNESDAY before that issue is to be released on THURSDAY.

All contributions received with a timestamp after 3:00 PM PT | 4:00 PM MT | 5:00 PM CT | 6:00 PM ET will be published in the following week's issue.

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Minimum Required Size: 960 x 360 at 72 dpi
File Size Limit: 5 MB
Permitted File Types: gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, zip, tif, tiff, eps
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