Top Tech Tidbits
Sponsor Click-To-Vote Quick Poll Submission Form

Logo. Top Tech Tidbits. Masthead logo includes title as well as five stylized access logos, clockwise a long cane user, enlarged print, fingers signing interpreter, full braille cell, hearing aid user.

Top Tech Tidbits Sponsors may use this form to submit their Click-To-Vote Quick Poll.

Prior Scheduling Required:

Please note that prior to submitting the assets for your Click-To-Vote Quick Poll using this form you will first need to schedule your Click-To-Vote Quick Poll ✉ by visiting the Sponsor Calendar, locating a THURSDAY that does not yet have a Click-To-Vote Quick Poll listed within it, and then sending that date (or dates) to our Publisher at ✉.

Once your date has been secured ✉ by being added to the Top Tech Tidbits Sponsor Calendar you can then use this form to submit your assets prior to that date.

Deadline For Submission:

In order for your Click-To-Vote Quick Poll to be published in any issue it must be received with a timestamp BY OR BEFORE 3:00 PM PT | 4:00 PM MT | 5:00 PM CT | 6:00 PM ET on the MONDAY before that issue is to be released on THURSDAY.

All contributions received with a timestamp after 3:00 PM PT | 4:00 PM MT | 5:00 PM CT | 6:00 PM ET will be published in the following week's issue.

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