Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, February 21, 2013 - Volume 393
The Week's News in Access Technology
A Flying Blind, LLC Publication
This Week's Featured Advertisement: The New Victor Reader Stream... Smaller, Smarter and Wireless!
The new Stream's slim, sleek, compact design makes it 28% smaller than its predecessor, and features wireless capabilities that open up the world to people who are blind or visually impaired.
Wireless, for greater independence
Imagine having a multimedia library in your pocket! You could have the latest novels, magazines, your favorite music, audio described films, texts, and your own voice recordings all in the palm of your hand. The new Victor Reader Stream can deliver content from your favorite sources, including DAISY, NLS, Bookshare, Learning Ally, plus books and music from iTunes. Now imagine integrated Wi-Fi for automatic software updates and future online features such as book downloads!
Smarter, to give you more of what you want
The new Victor Reader Stream features an improved, louder speaker, improved text-to-speech from Acapela, improved recording capabilities, faster USB transfers, and 32-gigabyte capacity SD cards, plus it easily connects to flash drives. And it offers the Softpak features of full stereo recordings, EPUB2 unprotected books, DOCX support, MP4 and iTunes M4A files, plus a built-in clock.
A multimedia Library in your pocket
Taking your books, music and much more everywhere you go is so easy with the new Victor Reader Stream's excellent features:
1.) Learn about the new and improved Radio Lookup web site, enabling people to find links to streaming radio, on Tek Talk on GMT Tuesday, 26 February at 01:00:
2.) Attorneys are interested in talking with any current or former blind or print disabled employees or applicants from the Marriott hotel chain. The attorneys represent a group of blind or print disabled persons who were denied advancement or other employment opportunities because of Marriott's use of inaccessible computer software and its failure to reasonably accommodate persons using JAWS and other screen readers. Email
3.) On Main Menu for GMT Saturday, 23 February, first airing at 01:00, hear about an accessible way to file U.S. income taxes with Tax Act; Hear an interview with APH staff about the new Nearby Explorer GPS app and more, and hear demos of speech recognition in the Microsoft surface RT and using a Bluetooth keyboard with Apple TV:
4.) GW Micro announces the release of Window-Eyes 8.1, bringing initial support for Office 2013 and some bug fixes:
5.) JAWS scripts for Skype Versions 6 and above are now out:
6.) QRead, Christopher Toth's $30 e-book reader for the blind, has been upgraded to support new formats, including .chm, .pdf, and .epub among others:
7.) Christopher has also released QCast, a $10 cross-platform program for obtaining and listening to podcasts, working on both Windows and Mac systems:
8) This post to the NFT AT blog is called "AFB's AccessNote: Not quite the notetaker replacement we've been looking for."
9) Now for our run-down of podcasts:
Two ATIA interviews by Allison Hilliker:
Getting to Know the All-New Victor Reader Stream:
Making Friends with Eye-Pal Scanning and Reading Products:
From the SPN: SeroTalk Podcast 142:
High Contrast, Episode 8:
Triple Click Home, Episode 15:
Eyes on Success 1308: Progress in Speech Synthesis:
SuperNova Web Access, Your Way podcasts series Installment One here:
From AppleVis: A walk-through of Voice Dream - Text to Speech:
iFarkle: a Simple and Fun Dice Game for iOS:
ECHO - Hear to play: Navigate this iOS Game with just your Hearing and the Accelerometer:
Activator: The Must Have Jailbreak Tweak:
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