Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, March 28, 2013 - Volume 398
The Week's News in Access Technology
A Flying Blind, LLC Publication
This Week's Featured Advertisement: Multitasking With Apple Devices; Realize the true potential of your BrailleNote Apex
Join special guest Greg Stilson, HumanWare's Technical Product Manager of Braille Products, for a webinar on Friday April 5th at 3:00 Pm EST to learn how to use the BrailleNote Apex to optimize your accessible iOS experience. Greg will demonstrate and explain the process of connecting the BrailleNote to an iPhone or iPad, along with highlighting many of the everyday benefits of using this combination. You will also learn the very powerful process of task switching between the two devices, to truly optimize your productivity. Imagine reading an iBook in Braille, pressing one command, and immediately being able to take notes in your BrailleNote's document. When finished, simply perform one more command and you are back reading your iPad's screen in Braille, all without ever disconnecting from the device. Click the below link to join the webinar. We look forward to speaking with you on Friday April 5th.
Flying Blind, LLC would like to take this opportunity to wish its Jewish readers a reflective and fulfilling Passover week. Also, Flying Blind, LLC wishes its Christians a Blessed, Christ-Centered Easter Sunday.
1) Picking up where we left off last week, here are some new podcasts:
First from AppleVis:
Audiobus: An app allowing you to record multiple apps at once on your iOS Device:
A demonstration of Dice World: A free and mostly accessible good time waster:
Create and Share Ice Cream Cones and Sundaes on Your iDevice, with More Sundaes!
A Demonstration of Twitterrific 5 for iOS:
Setup and Use of the Companion iOS App for the Re Universal Infrared Remote Control Accessory:
J-Tools will be re-released and will be free!
New Tech Doctor Podcast "Accessibility Out Of The Closet In To The Mainstream" featuring Shelly Brisbin:
The my Charge Peak 6000 Rechargeable Power Bank with speech:
Eyes on Success 1311 Highlights from CSUN 2013 Part 1:
Eyes on Success 1312 Highlights from CSUN 2013 Part 2:
Registering a domain, with tips for finding good deals and gathering needed information:
A short look at internet shortcuts:
High Contrast, Episode 9
Serotalk Podcast 146
CSUN 2013 Review
NVDA Tutorial #5 Part 1:
2) The Braille Plus 18 has received an upgrade:
3) Learn about AppleTV, an accessible modern TV interface, on Tek Talk on GMT Tuesday, 2 April at 00:00:
4) Access Technology Institute announces that a new textbook, "An Immersion into Internet Explorer 10 with JAWS for Windows 14" is now available for $80:
A $100 seminar on Internet Explorer 10 will take place on 6 April at 23:00 GMT. Participants get a break on the price of the textbook if purchased in conjunction with the seminar.
5) Microsoft says that users of adaptive technology can get phone support in North America for Microsoft products by calling 1-800-936-5900. Here is a page for sending email support requests:
6) This video is entitled "Unlocking the power of the iPad for the Blind":
7) A user reports that the Mobile Speed Test app is now accessible:
8) This RNIB page provides links to Shortcuts for popular programs and is mostly current:
9) From Marco's Accessibility Blog comes "How to use NVDA and Firefox to test your Web Pages for Accessibility":
10) The Carroll Center for the Blind has several affordable online courses and also several free VoiceOver-related video tutorials:
11) Here is a direct link to a beta of QFeed, an accessible RSS feed reader, from the maker of QCast:
An update to QCast is also available:
12) This page contains a link to a video, "ZoomText Mac Tips & Tricks, Using Hotkeys":
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Tidbits is intentionally concise, and we know a lot of people may not understand some items because little explanation is given. If a particular Tidbit brings up a question in your mind, feel free to ask, and we will try to answer as time and knowledge permit.
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