Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, August 13, 2015 - Volume 521
The Week's News in Access Technology
A Flying Blind, LLC Publication
This Week's Featured Advertisement: One Refurbished Braille Sense OnHand 18-Cell Notetaker For $1,495.00 USD!!!
Flying Blind, LLC is pleased to announce the availability of One Refurbished Braille Sense OnHand 18-Cell Notetaker for only $1,495.00 USD, providing one lucky buyer with a savings of over $2,500.00 USD on this unit! This handheld AdapTech juggernaut is small enough to portably travel with you comfortably while powerful enough to perform even the most robust notetaking tasks. The BrailleSense continues to set standards for reliability and innovation, giving users the ability to manage large amounts of data and interact with their sighted colleagues using real-world Apps within even the most competitive educational and employment settings. This unit is in fantastic condition, ships with the latest BrailleSense updates, and is listed here at well over 50% off of its suggested list price. Price includes shipping within the 48 Continental United States. This is a single unit that will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. To be the first to secure this unit please use the Buy Now link included below. For more information, or to order this product offline, email or call +1 (216) 381-8107 today.
Buy Now - One Refurbished Braille Sense OnHand 18-Cell Notetaker For $1,495.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
1) The world's largest natural sound archive -- Over 7,500 Hours of Audio -- is now fully available online:
2) Mac for the Blind now offers audio tutorials. The first, Introduction to VoiceOver, is free, the next three, with more to come, cost $35:
3) While we're talking things Mac, here is "A Guide to Using Audio Hijack with VoiceOver:"
4A) Jonathan Mosen gives his unique perspective on the Apple Watch after a week of use:
4B) And here is a discussion of the Apple Watch's Fitness Features:
5) For a look at a different kind of watch, A T Guys makes available their first video, demonstrating the Meteor Vibrating Pocket Watch:
6) The American Printing House for the Blind recently announced they have paused hardware development of the Braille Plus 18 Notetaker:
7) Microsoft's Disability Answer Desk Customer Support has added support in French and Spanish languages:
8A) If you want to know about or keep up with news about accessible games for the blind, this "Top 25 Sites for Gamers Who are Blind - 2015" resource list is a must consult:
8B) One of the resources mentioned on this list are the games written and given away by Jim Kitchen. Mr. Kitchen recently passed on, and Brian Smart has compiled and updated the listing to make the Kitchen Sink games available into the future:
9A) Sparsh Products from India has made an accessible version of the game Snakes and Ladders, requiring Windows 7 or 8 and Microsoft Office 2007 or later. It costs 900 rupees, slightly under $15 US. Watch game play on YouTube at:
9B) Buy and download (Snakes and Ladders by Sparsh Products) here:
10A) Lainey Feingold has posted the latest Digital Accessibility Legal Update:
10B) In the same vein, you can read "A Comparison of ADA, IDEA, and Section 504" from the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund:
11) Here is one person's account of a case where Android let him achieve a task that iOS and Windows would not:,26
12) There are some gems in this list of "8 Amazing Websites You Didn’t Know Existed and Need to Check Out:"
13) There are lots of ways to learn JAWS keystrokes. Here is a quite complete list consisting of multiple tables:
14) The Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI) announces the Dr. Sam Genensky Video Magnifier Memorial Awards. At least 4 video magnifiers will be awarded to children and adults. To read the award guidelines and download an application, visit the scholarships link at the web site. Applications may be submitted through September 15, 2015 at 11:59 PM EST:
15) If the above offer interests you (Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI) announces the Dr. Sam Genensky Video Magnifier Memorial Awards), you might want to listen to Eyes on Success 1533, Technology for People with Low Vision:
16) EASI offers two free webinars in August: "Updating the Diagram Center to Enhance Image accessibility," Tuesday, 18 August at 18:00 GMT, and "Twitter with JAWS and MAGic," Wednesday, 26 August at 18:00 GMT. Register here:
17) The August 2015 issue of Access includes a review of Windows 10 and the upgrade process, a review of Jonathan Mosen's book on Apple TV, a discussion of AFB's accessible HTML5 video player, an interview focusing on how musician Richard Beausoleil uses technology, an evaluation of the promising Workflow iOS App, and a review of menu accessibility on chain restaurant web sites:
18) Talk about NFB Newsline on Tek Talk on GMT Tuesday, 18 October at 00:00:
19) Visit Hadley’s YouTube Channel to find the new iFocus “Texting with Siri" Instructional Video at:
20) Doug Lee has released the first version of JAWS scripts for Skype for Business and Microsoft Link 2013:
21) And finally, Ai Squared offers the "Upgrading a PC with Window-Eyes to Windows 10 Tutorial" in several media:
A) Audio:
B) Video with Closed Caption:
D) And Text:
Flying Blind, LLC Classifieds Section:
1.) One Refurbished Braille Sense OnHand 18-Cell Notetaker
Price: $1,495.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately $2,500.00 USD off of its suggested list price.
Description: This handheld AdapTech juggernaut is small enough to portably travel with you comfortably while powerful enough to perform the most robust notetaking tasks ...
2.) One Refurbished BrailleSense U2 32-Cell Notetaker with QWERTY Keyboard
Price: $3,295.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately $2,300.00 USD off of its suggested list price.
Description: The U2 provides unparalleled Braille access to PowerPoint and Excel files, connects you to the Cloud via Dropbox, and puts the wide world of social networking at your ...
2.) One Refurbished Braille Sense OnHand 18-Cell Notetaker
Price: $1,695.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately $2,200.00 USD off of its suggested list price.
Description: This handheld AdapTech juggernaut is small enough to portably travel with you comfortably while powerful enough to perform the most robust notetaking tasks ...
3.) One Refurbished BrailleNote Apex 32 Cell Notetaker with Perkins Style Braille Keyboard
Price: $2,895.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately $2,650.00 USD off of its suggested list price.
Description: This unit is in pristine condition and is begging for a new home with a responsible user. The BrailleNote name has been synonymous with excellence and innovation ...
4.) Brand New Brailliant BI 32-Cell Refreshable Braille Display with Executive Products Carrying Case
Price: $1,995.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately $600.00 USD off of its suggested list price.
Description: HumanWare's Brailliant BI display is designed for extensive reading with the full comfort and intuitive display navigation of HumanWare's signature thumb keys. Connect ...
5.) Refurbished Seika 40-Cell USB Braille Display
Price: $895.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately $1,400.00 USD off of its suggested list price.
Description: This is a fantastic, plug-and-play USB Braille Display offering instant access to Windows PCs and Macs with their preferred screenreader! It's a great ...
6.) One Gently Used HandyTech Easy Braille Refreshable Braille Terminal
Price: $1,795.00 USD
Savings: Offered here at approximately $2,700.00 USD off of its suggested list price.
Description: This display is in pristine condition, and offers the user both USB and Bluetooth connectivity to their favorite laptops, tablets, and Smartphones. It's ...
7.) Refurbished Classic Focus 40 Braille Terminals
Price: $995.00 USD Each
Description: This is a fantastic bargain for the desktop/laptop PC user looking for a 40-Cell USB Braille display for less than 1K! These units are in pristine condition ...
8.) Brand New BrailleNote MPower 18 Cell Refreshable Braille Displays with Braille Keyboards
Price: $1,999.00 USD Each
Savings: Offered here at over 50% off of its suggested list price.
Description: These units are brand new and come with a one year manufacturer's warranty. The BrailleNote mPower's mature hardware and intuitive software ...
9.) Brand New BrailleNote MPower 32 Cell Refreshable Braille Displays with Braille Keyboards
Price: $2,599.00 USD Each
Savings: Offered here at over 50% off of its suggested list price.
Description: These units are brand new and come with a one year manufacturer's warranty. The BrailleNote mPower's mature hardware and intuitive software ...
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QUESTIONS: Tidbits are intentionally concise. As a result we know that some readers may not always understand all of the items listed because little explanation is given. If a particular Tidbit brings up a question in your mind, feel free to ask, and we will try to answer as time and knowledge permit.
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CONTENT CONTRIBUTORS: Any information for future issues of Top Tech Tidbits may be directed to our editor, Dean Martineau, at: