Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, October 4, 2018 - Volume 678
The Week's News in Access Technology
A Flying Blind, LLC Publication
This Week's Featured Advertisement: Introducing ARC, Your Agile and Affordable Path to Accessibility

Whether you are a novice to accessibility or a seasoned pro, sometimes your best start to accessibility is to let technology do some of the heavy lifting. Designers, developers and testers dealing with an accessibility project or program are looking for ways to inform their team quickly about what's inaccessible within their digital content and get rapid insight as to how to fix it. There's a more optimal way to achieve accessibility compliance in a timely, responsive, and cost-effective manner using Accessibility Resource Center (ARC).
Includes next generation automated testing know-how, ARC looks for machine-detectable accessibility defects within digital content. Designed for rapid scanning of a web domain, ARC will crawl through your website identifying accessibility violations against common standards, including WCAG 2.0 A/AA or Section 508.
ARC is powerful, customizable, and affordable. It transforms scanned data into meaningful, actionable insight, and is an excellent means of managing the profound risks that inaccessible content poses to an organization.
For more information, or to schedule your online demonstration, contact accessibility@flying-blind.com, or call +1 (216) 381-8107 📱️ today.
Don't be caught off-guard by the potentially devastating legal consequences of deploying inaccessible, digital content! We're standing by to assist!
Preview ARC on YouTube:
1) New Version of Audacity, Updated Accessibility Guide
Audacity Version 2.30 is out for sound editing, and David Bales has updated his Guide to Audacity for JAWS users, which will mostly benefit users of other screen readers as well, to take in the new features:
2) Pros and Cons of the New Aira Glasses
This Audio Pizza podcast features a discussion of Aira's new glasses:
3A) New Narrator Guide
Windows 10, Version 1809 has been released and is being gradually sent out to Windows 10 Users. The Narrator screen reader has received a lot of improvements, and the new User Guide is here:
3B) Narrator on Tek Talk
This version will be featured on Tek Talk on GMT Tuesday, 9 October at 00:00: Narrator:
4) Updates to Leasey Coming; Hear the Details
Leasey keeps gaining strengths, and we have a couple Leasey Byte recordings to demonstrate them [MP3]:
5) Double Tap Online
Double Tap Online is the new site to support the Double Tap Canada podcast, providing details on the topics covered there:
6) Repository of Old Sounds
A website called Conserve the Sound has recordings of the sounds made by old phones, rubber stamps, pinball machines, cameras, typewriters, fans, video game consoles, and other products from 1910 onwards:
7) Recording of First Hadley Tech it Out
Hadley now holds monthly technology discussions. Here we have the recording of the first one:
8) EU Ratifies Marrakesh
The European Union has ratified the Marrakesh Treaty, allowing books for print disabled people to travel across borders:
9) Finding Song Lyrics in iOS
This podcast discusses How to Search for Songs by Song Lyrics in iOS:
10) Blind Post Classifieds
The October 2018 Blind Post classified news will be emailed on or before the 9th of October. Please email all submissions by 6 October 2018 to:
11) Voice Access Android App
The new Voice Access Android app gives users total command and control over their device by voice:
12) Braille Screen Input; Aira
There's still another Blind Side podcast in the offing, and Episode #105 features a demonstration of the iOS Braille screen input feature and elaboration of Jonathan Mosen's move to Aira [MP3]:
12B) More about that move in this Mosen Explosion closing blog post:
13) Blind Bargains Qast
Here's the latest Blind Bargains Qast:
14) Comprehensive WordPress Course Coming
You can read about and pre-order the $99 course on building a web site using WordPress from Mystic Access:
15) Podcast on YouTube
Jay from ATW360 talks about the various options available for TV viewing using YouTube:
16) Working on Accessibility at Google
Episode #1840 of Eyes on Success features an interview with Google Accessibility employees:
Flying Blind, LLC Highlights:
1.) The Paciello Group - Introducing Your One-Stop Shop for All of Your Accessibility Consulting and Training Needs - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Struggling to manage the adverse risk posed to your organization by the deployment of inaccessible content? Seeking guidance on building accessibility best practices into your development cycle? We offer a comprehensive range of services to address your accessibility needs - from accessibility testing of your websites, web applications and mobile apps to identify accessibility issues ...
2.) JAWS Inspect - Your Visual Resource for Accessibility Testing - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
If you are employed by, or lead an Organization committed to providing manual, accessibility test services for web content using the JAWS screenreader, but your testing and developer teams have individuals who are not JAWS users, then the newly released JAWS Inspect Solution is your missing ingredient for optimizing your test processes while maximizing your accessibility efforts ...
3.) Introducing TPG Tutor - Your eLearning, One Stop Shop for Accessibility Training - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Have you been directed to make a website or mobile app 'accessible', but have no idea where to begin? Or perhaps you know a bit about accessibility and really want to immerse yourself in the field, but you can't afford to have you or your ...
4.) Introducing ARC, Your Agile and Affordable Path to Accessibility - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Whether you are a novice to accessibility or a seasoned pro, sometimes your best start to accessibility is to let technology do some of the heavy lifting. Designers, developers and testers dealing with an accessibility project or program are looking ...
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Tidbits are intentionally concise. As a result we know that some readers may not always understand all of the items listed because little explanation is given. If a particular Tidbit brings up a question in your mind, feel free to ask, and we will try to answer as time and knowledge permit.
Visit the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Archive at: http://bit.ly/tidbitsarchive where you can grab back issues.
Any information for future issues of Top Tech Tidbits may be directed to our editor, Dean Martineau, at: editors@toptechtidbits.com.