Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, July 4, 2019 - Volume 714
The Week's News in Access Technology
A Flying Blind, LLC Publication
This Week's Featured Advertisement: Discounted Access To TPG's Knowledge Base For Flying Blind Customers

Do you work for an Organization seeking a relevant database chock full of accessibility know-how undergirded with cutting-edge techniques? Are you a QA Tester, Developer, or a Project Manager who in desperate need of context-specific answers to the trickiest accessibility obstacles? If so, then you may be a candidate for TPGKB! What is TPG Knowledge Base? It's a comprehensive catalog of strategies and techniques to ensure that your content is conformant to today's accessibility guidelines. This catalog contains three modules: responsive web, iOS, and Android. Knowledgebase is structured around a comprehensive catalogue of digital elements like forms, images, tables, etc. Each element section has three parts:
- The group of people with disabilities impacted by the element's accessibility issues
- Techniques for making the element accessible
- A reference to the WCAG guidelines that define the suggested technique
TPG KB customers enjoy the benefits of:
- Reliable and accurate accessibility techniques from an expert source
- Robust and broad ranging information in one easy-to-access location
Purchase one module for a tremendous savings, or purchase all three modules for a ridiculous discount off its suggested list price! For more information, email accessibility@flying-blind.com or call +1 (216) 381-8107 📱️.
These discounts will be in place through June 28, 2019 so act now for this tremendous savings on invaluable Accessibility know-how!
Happy US Independence Day!
1) Replay of FS Open Line
FSCast #172 is a replay of the June FS Open Line:
2) 14 In-Demand Skills You Can Learn Online NOW
There might be a good skill here, and perhaps some of the learning materials are accessible:
3) AppleVis Unlimited: What's New and Noteworthy for June 2019
This is the regular monthly update:
4) Voice Dream Scanner and Microsoft Soundscape Inducted Into iOS App Hall of Fame
These two popular programs have been awarded with Hall of Fame Membership:
5) Voice Dream Apps on Sale
Speaking of Voice Dream Scanner, it is on sale, along with Voice Dream Reader and Writer, until 6 July 2019. These apps are enjoyed by virtually everybody who uses them:
6A) Lucia Cell Phone on Tek Talk
Lucia is a basic mobile phone that is designed for people with vision loss who cannot handle a smartphone. Hear about it on Tek Talk on GMT 9 July 2019 at 00:0:0
6B) Tek Talk Archives
Incidentally, recordings are always made of Tek Talk a few days after the live airing. Look for them here:
7) Differences between the Editor in Office 2016 and Office 365 for screen reader users:
This post explains procedures for checking spelling in both versions of Office, and shows that features in Office 365 are more powerful:
8) Accessibility Testing Tools and When to Use Them
This free Paciello Group webinar takes place GMT 16:00 on Thursday, 11 July 2019:
9) Less Expensive JAWS and ZoomText Certifications
Throughout July 2019, certifications of competence in JAWS and ZoomText will be reduced by 80%, meaning that new certifications can be purchased for around $20:
10) Free BrailleNote Touch Plus Audio Tutorial
This tutorial from Mystic Access is available to all in MP3 and DAISY formats:
11) Android iOS Comparison from Mystic Access
The next free class from Mystic Access will offer a comparison of these two systems, on GMT Friday, 26 July 2019 at 00:30. To get registration information, join the mailing list, which can be done from any of their pages including this Free Downloads page:
12) Dating in the Digital Age
Speaking of Mystic Access, Eyes on Success interviews Kim Loftus about her book about online dating for Episode #1927:
13) Gear up for Summer Conventions with BBQ #187
Lots of anticipation for the NFB convention, with lists of products, but also good information about developments with other products and especially Tap Tap See:
14) How to Meet WCAG (Quick Reference)
This is a well-designed summary of Web Accessibility guidelines:
Flying Blind, LLC Highlights:
1.) The Paciello Group - Introducing Your One-Stop Shop for All of Your Accessibility Consulting and Training Needs - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Struggling to manage the adverse risk posed to your organization by the deployment of inaccessible content? Seeking guidance on building accessibility best practices into your development cycle? We offer a comprehensive range of services to address your accessibility needs - from accessibility testing of your websites, web applications and mobile apps to identify accessibility issues ...
2.) JAWS Inspect - Your Visual Resource for Accessibility Testing - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
If you are employed by, or lead an Organization committed to providing manual, accessibility test services for web content using the JAWS screenreader, but your testing and developer teams have individuals who are not JAWS users, then the newly released JAWS Inspect Solution is your missing ingredient for optimizing your test processes while maximizing your accessibility efforts ...
3.) Introducing TPG Tutor - Your eLearning, One Stop Shop for Accessibility Training - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Have you been directed to make a website or mobile app 'accessible', but have no idea where to begin? Or perhaps you know a bit about accessibility and really want to immerse yourself in the field, but you can't afford to have you or your ...
4.) Introducing ARC, Your Agile and Affordable Path to Accessibility - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Whether you are a novice to accessibility or a seasoned pro, sometimes your best start to accessibility is to let technology do some of the heavy lifting. Designers, developers and testers dealing with an accessibility project or program are looking ...
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Tidbits are intentionally concise. As a result we know that some readers may not always understand all of the items listed because little explanation is given. If a particular Tidbit brings up a question in your mind, feel free to ask, and we will try to answer as time and knowledge permit.
Visit the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Archive at: http://bit.ly/tidbitsarchive where you can grab back issues.
Any information for future issues of Top Tech Tidbits may be directed to our editor, Dean Martineau, at: editors@toptechtidbits.com.