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Top Tech Tidbits Newsletter header image. Includes the Flying Blind, LLC Logo and reads, 'Top Tech Tidbits - The Week's News in Access Technology. Below this text are the words, 'A Flying Blind, LLC Publication'.

Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, February 20, 2020 - Volume 743

The Week's News in Access Technology

A Flying Blind, LLC Publication

This Week's Featured Advertisement: Take Charge of Your Automated and Manual Accessibility Self-Testing Needs By Investing in Our ARC/JI Testing Bundle!

The ARC Toolkit and ARC Monitoring logos sit to the left of the Jaws Inspect Logo divided by a large white back slash. Below these logos is an illustration of the ARC/JI Testing Bundle dashboard.

Do you work for, or represent an Organization who wishes to proactively manage its accessibility risks through automated and manual testing, but have no idea how to jump-start the process?

Do you lack the tools necessary to test your web content against WCAG and Section 508 Guidelines and validate results through comprehensive manual testing?

Introducing You to ARC/JI, A Bundled Accessibility Package That Provides You With:

➜ ARC Toolkit: A free Chrome plug-in that offers real-time automated analysis of your code as you are developing it, providing feedback and advice for remediating in accordance with WCAG 2.1.

➜ ARC Monitoring: Services for 12-months, allowing you to prioritize the remediation of web defects; implementing accessibility best practices across your Organization; and proactively managing your current and future accessibility efforts.

➜ JAWS Inspect: 5-Seats, 12-Month Subscription. The Industry's only fully loaded testing variant for the JAWS For Windows screenreader. This tool lessens the training time for QA testers to learn how to use a screenreader while demonstrating an immediate impact on accessibility and usability.

We're offering this comprehensive package to our readership for $11,000 - pennies on the dollar when it comes to reducing the time and dollars associated with the struggles one can face when undertaking such testing efforts without these software services.

We're also including one complimentary hour of post-sales orientation to get you up and running using these tools!

For more information, or to schedule your ARC/JI walk-through, email accessibility@flying-blind.com 📧️ or call (727) 803-8000 📱️, Ext. 1909 today! We're standing by to assist!!!


1) About NVDA 2019.3.1

In Process gives updates on the new version, and about the security of open source software:

2) New Features in NVDA

Web Friendly Help runs through what's new in version 2019.3.1:

3) Updated Guide to Accessibility of iOS 13 on Eyes on Success

Episode 2008 features an interview with Shelly Brisbin about her greatly enhanced book:

4) Interviews from ATIA

Blind Bargains has nine interviews so far recorded with vendors at the ATIA conference:

5) Ringtones on Mosen at Large

Among other content, Episode 22 of Mosen at Large offers instruction on transferring ringtones to an iPhone without iTunes:

6) Commentary Screen Reader and More on Antad

Episode 23 gives the latest Android news, some favorite apps and the Commentary screen reader.

7) BARD App Update

Version 1.3 brings new features such as series and magazine subscriptions, Braille auto-scrolling, simultaneous downloads, and a lot more:

8) What's New in iOS 13: A Guide for Blind Users

This latest book by Anna Dresner is available in various media from National Braille Press for $18-25:

9) ) iOS 13 Battery Drain: 15+ Tips to Make Your Battery Last Longer

Courtesy of Mac Rumors

10) MRTP #189

Topics from Episode 189 of the venerable Maccessibility Round Table Podcast include Voice Dream Reader, Ferrite, Envision AI and their new glasses, and more:

11) WordPress Web Design with JAWS for Windows Textbook

Access Technology Institute offers this $95 textbook:

12) Playback Magazine Archive

Playback was an amazine cassette magazine produced monthly from 1979 to 2007. This downloadable and listenable 385-hour collection lets you hear lots of influential voices from the blind audio and tech world of the time, and lets you follow the evolution of all the technologies involved:

13) Canute on Tek Talk

Another chance to hear about the new multi-line Braille device comes on GMT 25 February 2020 at 01:00:


Flying Blind, LLC Highlights:


1.) The Paciello Group - Introducing Your One-Stop Shop for All of Your Accessibility Consulting and Training Needs - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store

https://www.paciellogroup.com/ Struggling to manage the adverse risk posed to your organization by the deployment of inaccessible content? Seeking guidance on building accessibility best practices into your development cycle? We offer a comprehensive range of services to address your accessibility needs - from accessibility testing of your websites, web applications and mobile apps to identify accessibility issues ...

2.) JAWS Inspect - Your Visual Resource for Accessibility Testing - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store

If you are employed by, or lead an Organization committed to providing manual, accessibility test services for web content using the JAWS screenreader, but your testing and developer teams have individuals who are not JAWS users, then the newly released JAWS Inspect Solution is your missing ingredient for optimizing your test processes while maximizing your accessibility efforts ...

3.) Introducing TPG Tutor - Your eLearning, One Stop Shop for Accessibility Training - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store

Have you been directed to make a website or mobile app 'accessible', but have no idea where to begin? Or perhaps you know a bit about accessibility and really want to immerse yourself in the field, but you can't afford to have you or your ...

4.) Introducing ARC, Your Agile and Affordable Path to Accessibility - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store

Whether you are a novice to accessibility or a seasoned pro, sometimes your best start to accessibility is to let technology do some of the heavy lifting. Designers, developers and testers dealing with an accessibility project or program are looking ...


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Tidbits are intentionally concise. As a result we know that some readers may not always understand all of the items listed because little explanation is given. If a particular Tidbit brings up a question in your mind, feel free to ask, and we will try to answer as time and knowledge permit.


Visit the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Archive at: http://bit.ly/tidbitsarchive where you can grab back issues.


Any information for future issues of Top Tech Tidbits may be directed to our editor, Dean Martineau, at: editors@toptechtidbits.com.
