Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, April 30, 2020 - Volume 753
The Week's News in Access Technology
A Flying Blind, LLC Publication
This Week's Featured Advertisement: Get Your Accessibility Health Check !!!

As we collectively grapple with the challenges presented by a Global Pandemic, Digital Accessibility expectations are greatly increasing, as our vision-impaired students and employees are tasked with alternative means of accessing educational content and completing vocational tasks from a distance. Our accessibility health check provides valuable insight into your Organization's current Accessibility State and provides actions for improvement. It's an opportunity for growth; a chance for your team to take a step back and prioritize the actions that will get you to a more inclusive state while managing your potential legal risks.
TPG's Accessibility Health Check is an optimal and affordable combination of testing, education, and strategic consulting to set your organization on a fast-path to accessibility or ensure that it stays on course.
Health Check provides your team with a packaged solution intended to help your organization make quick and effective improvements, offering a robust method to help your organization achieve its accessibility goals without decimating your budget.
TPG's Accessibility Health Check Components:
- Accessibility Kickstarter Plan:
A session with one of our strategy experts to assess your current accessibility state and outline a plan for the short-term.
- High-Risk Primary User Journey Assessment:
Includes 6 URLs visited during primary user journey and identifies critical/high priority issues requiring remediation.
- ARC Monitoring:
1 year access to ARC Monitoring, which includes 12 monthly scans of digital content, providing insights, trends, and analytics, as well as your WCAG density rating, for one website and up to 1,000 URLs.
- ARC Toolkit and Toolkit Training:
An in-depth guide that explains in detail how to use ARC Toolkit alongside ARC Monitoring for accessibility testing.
- TPG Tutor: 5-User Subscription:
12-month access to our e-learning portfolio, TPG Tutor.
Price: $12,000
For more information, email accessibility@flying-blind.com or call +1 (727) 803-8000 EXT 1909 📱️ today. We're standing by to assist!
1) Personal Power. The iOS Edition
Every once in a while, we find an item showing both generosity and competence to high degrees. Michael Feir has written a 250,000-word, over 1,200-page book on using and enjoying the iPhone, iPad, and iPod for personal use, and it's free in RTF, Word, EPUB and PDF formats:
2) Gaming Labs. ACB Zoom Gatherings
Three Zoom sessions teaching accessible iOS games will take place on GMT Saturday, 2 May 2020. Learn about the six games in DiceWorld, where you can play against others worldwide, at 18:00 GMT. Learn about two solitaire card games at 20:00. Learn about text adventure games at 22:00. Information about these sessions is only shared via the special email list, to ensure security. To learn about these and potentially other Zoom gatherings, join by sending a blank message to:
3) JAWS Trainings, iOS Trainings, Smart Home Automation Training and More
The National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania conducts weekly Zoom events on these and other topics. Recordings of previous trainings are here, with more to be added:
4) Archives of HumanWare Webinars
HumanWare conducts Zoom support webinars weekly during this time of isolation. You can find recordings here:
5) Chord Cutting on Tek Talk
The Mystic Access team has produced an audio guide to finding the video content you want without using cable or satellite TV, and they'll discuss the topic on Tek Talk on GMT Tuesday 5 May 2020 at 00:00:
6) Fediverse Accessibility Resources
The "Fediverse" is a decentralized network of social networks. Robert Kingett explains, and talks about the accessibility of many of the networks:
7) Time to Go Zoom: An Essential Guide for Zoom Meetings and JAWS for Windows
Brian Hartgen is developing an up-to-date and thorough course on using Zoom. The five-session course starts on 18 May 2020 and costs 50 pounds, about $62:
8) Initial demo of the Olitech Easy Flip 4G Mobile Feature Phone Using Talkback
This demo comes from Australia. This is a flip phone with keys:
9) Ebu Access Cast 21
This podcast offers lots of Coronavirus resources and other tech news:
10) #iACast 141 "Our Perspective on New Tech"
This is the latest episode of a weekly adaptive tech podcast:
11) MRTB #193
Yet another episode of the Maccessibility Round Table Podcast, focusing on Zoom:
12) 6 Ways To Access Bookshare Books
This is one of three webinar recordings on this page, pertinent to distance education and technology:
13) Picture Smart In JAWS: Independently Selecting Your Artwork
This Freedom Scientific blog post by an independent musician discusses how he uses Picture Smart to independently do what would otherwise be very difficult:
14) Joining Zoom Meetings
This is to be one of a series of guides on using Zoom:
15) Voice Dream Corona Sale
Voice Dream Reader and Voice Dream Scanner are immensely popular apps. For a limited time, the two are available for a total cost of $9.95:
Flying Blind, LLC Highlights:
1.) The Paciello Group - Introducing Your One-Stop Shop for All of Your Accessibility Consulting and Training Needs - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Struggling to manage the adverse risk posed to your organization by the deployment of inaccessible content? Seeking guidance on building accessibility best practices into your development cycle? We offer a comprehensive range of services to address your accessibility needs - from accessibility testing of your websites, web applications and mobile apps to identify accessibility issues ...
2.) JAWS Inspect - Your Visual Resource for Accessibility Testing - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
If you are employed by, or lead an Organization committed to providing manual, accessibility test services for web content using the JAWS screenreader, but your testing and developer teams have individuals who are not JAWS users, then the newly released JAWS Inspect Solution is your missing ingredient for optimizing your test processes while maximizing your accessibility efforts ...
3.) Introducing TPG Tutor - Your eLearning, One Stop Shop for Accessibility Training - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Have you been directed to make a website or mobile app 'accessible', but have no idea where to begin? Or perhaps you know a bit about accessibility and really want to immerse yourself in the field, but you can't afford to have you or your ...
4.) Introducing ARC, Your Agile and Affordable Path to Accessibility - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Whether you are a novice to accessibility or a seasoned pro, sometimes your best start to accessibility is to let technology do some of the heavy lifting. Designers, developers and testers dealing with an accessibility project or program are looking ...
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Tidbits are intentionally concise. As a result we know that some readers may not always understand all of the items listed because little explanation is given. If a particular Tidbit brings up a question in your mind, feel free to ask, and we will try to answer as time and knowledge permit.
Visit the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Archive at: http://bit.ly/tidbitsarchive where you can grab back issues.
Any information for future issues of Top Tech Tidbits may be directed to our editor, Dean Martineau, at: editors@toptechtidbits.com.