Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, October 29, 2020 - Volume 779The Week's News in Access Technology A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication Top Tech Tidbits. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access technology. This Week's Featured Advertisement: Only 4 Sponsorships Remaining. Join Us and Let Us Show You What Supporting Tidbits Can Do For You. Test Drive A Quarterly Sponsorship Today For Only $325.00 USD.Top Tech Tidbits is a sponsor and reader supported publication. Your sponsorships along with reader support are critical for us to be able to continue to offer free and unbiased access technology news to thousands of blind and visually impaired professionals, educators and enthusiasts all over the world, each week. If you are already a sponsor, or have already made a contribution, thank you! If you are unable to sponsor or donate for any reason, please ignore this message. We are happy to have you here.Top Tech Tidbits is the world's leading not-for-profit Access Technology publication that reaches over 33,000 Access Technology professionals, educators and enthusiasts each week. Over the last 12 months our 100% legally-compliant opt-in subscriber list has had an Average Open Rate of 37%, an Average Click-Through Rate of 42% and an Average Bounce Rate of 2.8%. We now offer 12 Sponsorship Packages which are used to support the ongoing distribution of the publication. There are currently only 4 of these 12 packages still available. Secure one of these remaining packages today for only $325.00 USD for the next 3 months, or save $100.00 USD and join us for the year. All Sponsorship Packages are offered on a first-come, first serve basis. Please help us to support the ongoing distribution of this publication. Consider showing your support for Access Technology over the next 3-12 months while enjoying these incredible benefits: Sponsorship Package Benefits: ➜ 1.) 4 "This Week's Featured Advertisement" Spots Over The Next 12 Months: (Just like this one.) Each Sponsor may choose (from those dates still available within the Top Tech Tidbits Sponsorship Calendar) up to FOUR (4) "This Week's Featured Advertisement" dates within the calendar year of their sponsorship. That's 4 Issue dates reaching 33,000+ Access Technology subscribers each. ➜ 2.) 48 Classified Ad Spots Over The Next 12 Months: Each Sponsor is also allocated ONE (1) Sponsor Classified Advertisement in every issue of Tidbits (each week) for the full year of their sponsorship. That's 48 Issues reaching 33,000+ Access Technology subscribers each. And that's not all. If you'd like to learn more, please head on over to the Sponsorship Packages section of the Top Tech Tidbits website at If you're ready to secure your Sponsorship today please contact Aaron Di Blasi of Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. at: Greetings,1) This is a thought-provoking AppleVis post with discussion that follows: Demo of Typer OnlineThis YouTube video is a review of the free online typing tutor program from APH: 3) Eyes on Success on Tek TalkTwo popular events come together when the hosts of Eyes on Success appear on TekTalk on GMT Tuesday, November 3rd 2020 at 01:00: 4) How to Use the Alt+Tab Shortcut After Windows 20H2 UpdateWith the new update coming to Windows, you might want to change a setting to make the familiar Alt+Tab keystroke work more efficiently: 5) What's New in the Windows 10 October 2020 UpdateSpeaking of that update, here's the list of new features, courtesy of the Windows Experience Blog: 6) How to Open the Classic 'System' Control Panel on Windows 10For those who liked this former Windows feature, you can still get it via this workaround, but maybe not for long: 7) Enhance Your iPhone Voice Memo Recordings for Clearer Audio FilesThis comes to us from Business Insider: 8) EbuAccessCast 26Lots of Android info here, as well as info about other gadgets. There is a transcript: 9) Tips for Transitioning to Microsoft EdgeFreedom Scientific offers this information: 10) Hartgen: Catching Up With JAWS: Chapter 3!This 35-pound (about $47) audio course gives you info about the features of JAWS 2020 and 2021: 11) NV Access In-Process October 23rd 2020Here we have news about the latest NVDA, NVDACon (coming up December 5th and 6th 2020) and some recordings from previous NVDACons: 12) Blind Bargains Qast #216With thorough show notes and links and 87 minutes of audio: 13) FSCast #190Hear about accessible escape rooms and the venerable Playback magazine: 14) Don't Just Stand There! Scan It!Check out reviews and descriptions of several portable scanning stands: 15) Victor Reader Stream Podcast Part 1 of 2, SD Card Bookshelves, October 22nd 2020Learn how to organize your Victor Reader Stream SD Card: 16) Give The Gift of Accessibility Training This Holiday SeasonHave you ever wanted to purchase accessibility training for someone you knew would benefit from it? Well now you can. This new initiative comes to us from one of our current sponsors, Mr. John Panarese, of, and allows anyone to purchase accessibility training for anyone else, either as a gift, or as a donation to someone that requires training but cannot afford it themselves: 16) Accessibility Enhancements on the Horizon for HBO Max Customers Who are BlindIn a landmark agreement announced last week advocates for people who are blind have obtained Warner Media's pledge to increase the accessibility of HBO Max — the much-anticipated online streaming platform that was launched earlier this year. Among other commitments, the agreement provides that WarnerMedia will provide audio description on at least 1,500 hours of new and existing programming on HBO Max by the end of March 2021, increasing to 3,000 hours by the end of March 2022, and doubling again to at least 6,000 hours in total by the end of March 2023. Learn more at: 17) Novel Hearing Test System Utilizing Motion SensorsA new system aims to revolutionize hearing testing with a new technology that is based on the patient wearing headphones fitted with a motion sensor and turning their head in response to random, multi-direction sounds. Learn more here: 18) Are You A Blind Or Low-Vision Player of Video Games?If you are, this 45 question survey seeks to understand on what devices you play such games, any challenges that you encounter while playing, and if you play with other people. Those that complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for a $300 Amazon electronic gift card: 19) How Audio Description Within Games Could Make Them More Accessible for Blind and Low Vision PlayersAccessible-gaming advocate and consultant Brandon Cole points to "The Last of Us 2" as a shining example of blind accessibility, but expresses the need for there to be more choice and more games that consider the needs of blind or low vision players: 20) Plain Language Writing — An Essential Part Of AccessibilityThis article from Forbes magazine aks the question, "How do you make writing accessible?". We know how to replace steps with ramps. We know how to widen doorways and make restrooms larger for wheelchair users. We can accommodate Deaf people with Sign Language and captions on videos. Blind people can use large print, Braille, or audiobooks. But how do we make information, instructions, and ideas more cognitively accessible, particularly for people with intellectual, developmental, and learning disabilities? 21) Why Technology Isn't Always The Most Accessible Solution for the DisabledThis article from The Verdict asks us to consider some aspects of accessibility and technology that we may not have considered before: 22) Tidbits Opinion Poll ResultsLast week we asked, "In your experience and opinion which is the best all-around Braille Notetaker? Price notwithstanding?" So far we've received 13 responses. Some of these responses included comments that you may wish to review yourself, but here is a breakdown. Single mentions included the BrailleSense Polaris, the Focus 40, an iPhone connected to any Braille Display, the Mantis, and the Orbit Reader 20. Two mentions for the BrailleNote. Three mentions for the ElBraille. And three mentions for the BrailleNote Touch Plus. This poll, like all Top Tech Tidbits Opinion Polls, will remain open indefinitely. If you haven't weighed in yet, you can always still do so at:Respond to the Poll: Review / Share The Results: 23) New Tidbits Opinion Poll"Are you an AT user who has made the decision to replace your cable television subscription with an internet-connected streaming device? If so, how would you rate the accessibility of the device you chose on a scale of 1 to 5?" Share your opinion with the Tidbits community at:Respond to the Poll: Review / Share The Results: 24) Future Tidbits Opinion PollsDo you have an intriguing AT-related question that you'd like to see posed to the Tidbits community?Send your AT-related questions to: Answer past Poll questions you may have missed at: Top Tech Tidbits Sponsor Classified Ads:Sponsor: John Panarese➜ This Week's Classified Launches Gift-Giving Initiative. Donate course time to someone that needs it today. Mr. John Panarese, Director of, is a world-renowned Apple Trainer and Consultant who is committed to ensuring that each of his students receive the very best education possible through each of the online and one-on-one courses that he currently offers through John is a well-known Assistive Technology Consultant with a history of excellence who holds both ACSP (Apple Certified Support Professional) and ACT (Apple Certified Trainer) certifications. The benefits of his offerings can be truly life-changing, so we would like to invite you to change a life today by donating course time to someone that needs it. You may choose the recipient of your donation, and they may choose any course topic they like, or you may allow the course time that you donate to be allocated to those who are unable to afford it themselves. Either way you will be giving the gift of accessibility to those blind and visually-impaired students that need it the most. Your support helps to keep them connected, healthy and part of our community. Please consider making your gift today at:, Sponsor Since: June 4th 2020 Website: 🌐 Donate Course Time: ❤ Email: 📧️About: is a place specifically for blind people who are either users or potential users of Macintosh computers or iOS devices, such as the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, Apple Watch and Apple TV. I am a blind individual who has used the Mac ever since VoiceOver became available in OS 10.4 Tiger, and I own an iMac, Mac Mini, Mac Book Pro laptop computer, an iPhone 6S, an iPad Air, an Apple Watch and an Apple TV 4th Generation. In addition, I am an Authorized Apple Business Affiliate, and as an Apple Certified Support Professional and an Apple Certified Trainer, I offer training and technical support for individuals, agencies and organizations on the mac and all iDevices, as well as offering assistive technology consulting. Sponsor: Donna Jodhan➜ This Week's Classified Ad:Author Donna invites you to support one of her many ongoing initiatives by making a small donation today. To say thank you, all supporters are given unlimited access to all 3 of Author Donna's Subscription Libraries. These include her Audio Mystery Library, her Recipe Library and her Home & Garden Library. Please consider giving the gift of accessibility to disabled children and their families today at Your support makes the difference in keeping them connected, healthy and part of our community.Author, Donna Jodhan Publications Sponsor Since: June 4th 2020 Website: 🌐 Donate: ❤ About: My name is Donna J. Jodhan and I have been blind all my life, but that has not prevented me from living independently as someone who takes care of my own home and garden, travels regularly for my job, and runs my own business. I am an entrepreneur, blogger, author, audio mystery writer, advocate, podcaster, and law student. I enjoy cooking, ice skating, playing chess, composing on my electronic keyboard, and communicating with nature. Sponsor: Dean Martineau➜ This Week's Classified Ad:Would you like to learn to control your computer with your voice, or to create documents using your voice rather than the keyboard? There are several tools to accomplish these objectives. I can provide training in their use. Write to me at if interested.Editor, Top Tech Tidbits Newsletter Sponsor Since: June 4th 2020 Website: 🌐 About: Dean Martineau is the Founder and a Contributing Editor to the Top Tech Tidbits Newsletter. Sponsor: LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Adaptations Online Store➜ This Week's Classified Ad:Featured Products: Revolution Cane Tip: Standard Roller Tip: $14.50 | Locator Dots: Small Pack of 6 (Clear or Orange): $2.00 | NFB Metal Cane Tip: $3.00 | TMAP - On Demand Tactile Street | Map (set of two maps): $25.00 | Ambutech Aluminum Folding Cane: $35.00 | NFB Chris Park Telescoping Cane: $45.00 | BoldWriter 20 Pen (Individual or 6-pack): $2.00 | Bump Dots: Mixed (50 count): $7.00 | Braille Apple Catalina VoiceOver Guide OSX 10.15 (3 volumes) - Latest Manual: $52.00 | SpeedDots iPhone Tactile Screen Protector, Phone Layout: $12.00 | NFB Chris Park 7-Piece Folding Cane: $50.00 | Visit to learn more today!Sponsor Since: October 1, 2020 Website: 🌐 Toll Free: (888) 400-8933 📱️ Local: (415) 694-7301 📱️ About: Founded in 1902, San Francisco's LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired promotes the independence, equality and self-reliance of people who are blind or have low vision. Adaptations is your online go-to for tools, technology, and accessible solutions for blind and visually impaired people. Sponsor: Sprint IP Relay➜ This Week's Classified Ad:One challenge someone with a combined vision and hearing loss must address is accessing the phone system without adequate vision or hearing. Individuals with no hearing but vision can access the phone system using a videophone. Those with no vision, but who have hearing can use the phone as it was intended. How would someone with vision and hearing loss continue to call doctors, contact emergency services such as 911, arrange for medical appointments, contact businesses, or friends and family who do not text? One solution, for those living in the U.S. with a form of hearing loss, is Sprint IP Relay. Come learn more at our webinars, specialized for the DeafBlind community. 11/10 at 10 AM EST, 11/12 at 4:30 PM EST, 11/17 at 1:00 PM EST, or 11/19 at 1:00 PM EST. RSVP by November 6th 2020 to CART and ASL interpretation will be provided.Sponsor Since: October 22nd 2020 Website: 🌐 Email: 📧️ Download The App (iOS): Download The App (Android): Accessibility Customer Care: (800) 676-3777 📱️ About: Sprint IP Relay allows people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind or with a Speech Disability to make or receive phone calls using an internet connection, a computer, tablet or smartphone. Simply type what you want to say to the operator, the operator relays the message to the person you called and then types the caller's response back to you. This process is all done through text, so a user with a braille display, for example, would not need to see the screen or use their voice to communicate with the hearing caller. The Sprint IP Relay service is available at no charge for those who are eligible. Registration is required to verify an individual's identity and residency. If you are a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind or have a speech disability, you will qualify to register for the Sprint IP Relay Service. The user can call anyone at any time within the United States and its territories. Email with any questions. Sponsor: American Printing House (APH)➜ This Week's Classified Ad:APH's Braille Trail Reader LE refreshable braille display will start your students' braille journey with a positive technology experience that allows them to discover the joys of reading and writing. This 14-cell braille display features a Windows app for easy file transfer between teachers and students. Also perfect for the working adult: users can take notes, and create, edit and read text and braille files. Learn more at Since: July 2nd 2020 Website: 🌐 Toll Free and Customer Support: (800) 223-1839 📱️ Phone: (512) 895-2405 📱️ Fax: (512) 899-2284 📱️ YouTube Video: About: Since 1858, the American Printing House for the Blind has operated in Louisville, Kentucky as the world's largest nonprofit organization, creating accessible learning experiences through educational, workplace, and independent living products and services for people who are blind and visually impaired. APH believes that the future belongs to everyone. By offering innovative products and services, APH opens up a door of opportunities for lifelong independence and success. Sponsor: GuideLights and Gadgets➜ This Week's Classified Ad:GuideLights And Gadgets: Great Buys, Choices, Service! New: Spectacular Promotion: InsideOne Windows 10 Braille Computer with 32 Cell Display; $3,900 through December 31st with $500 upgrade to new model. Orbit Writer Bundle, $140; Our own leather case, neck pouch, and tutorial. Roomy leather "biker" chest pack with hands free phone holder for AIRA, etc. also fits 20 cell display, $55.00. Our own new Orbit Writer & Phone Leather Case: Tough enough for a biker, $20; 3 Multi-Pocket Leather Cross-Body Bags, $36 with free shipping! New Soundbox Stereo Model: Listen on the Go; No Wires; Great Sound; 4AA batteries, $50.00. Call Barry at (617) 969-7500 📱️ for full details.Director, Sponsor Since: June 25th 2020 Website: 🌐 For Gadgets and Leather Contact Barry at: For All Things Dog Contact Kae at: About: Our Scope of Products: We specialize in 3 lines of products, all intended to assist in access to adaptive electronics, enhance experiences for guide dog teams, and offer practical solutions for organization and travel with a variety of leather bags, pouches, and backpacks. Then there are the random products that are included, just for fun! We enjoy working with our customers 1-on-1 to their money is well spent and not wasted on something they may not use. In thinking about our customers and whether we will carry a product our guiding motto is that it must be: practical, affordable, simple, tested, and accessible (the pasta principle) and it seems to work very well. What We Do: We bring our business either via zoom, phone, or to your conference or convention, to give each customer a chance for questions and where possible, "hands on" evaluation of the merchandise. Kae and I test and use each product as blind users before we put it in our catalog. In the case of products for guide and service dogs, our own three guides, Thor, Debra and Melody, are engaged in the process of evaluating the usefulness, durability, and/or fun of the product. We want each of our products to be useful, accessible, afforable, and, whenever possible, fun! Our inventory is constantly changing, so a visit to us is never the same experience twice! Sponsor: A. T. Guys➜ This Week's Classified Ad:If you're like me, you probably have more things to plug into your computer than available ports. That's why we've now added the Plugable USBC 7-in-1 Hub. Plug it into your laptop and you will get 3 USB ports, SD and Micro SD card slots, a USBC charging port, and an HDMI video port. It's available now for just $29.95: Sponsor Since: June 11th 2020 Website: 🌐 Phone: (269) 216-4798 📱️ Email: 📧️ Skype: atguys Twitter: (@atguys) Facebook: About: Your access technology experts, home for cool gadgets, accessories, and more. Our products are all tested to work great for blind and visually impaired users but also work just as well for anyone. If there's an item you're looking for, or if you have a question, please don't hesitate to send us a message or call (269) 216-4798 📱️. Your Name Here
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