Top Tech Tidbits - Volume 280
The Week's News in Access Technology
Distributed by Flying Blind, LLC
This Issue's Featured Advertisement: E-Blink Showcase Presents One BrailleNote QT 32 for USD $3,495.00!
The world's most popular notetaker just got a whole lot cheaper. This state-of-the-art notetaker is in excellent condition and is in need of a good home. Unit ships with all accessories and is running KeySoft 7.5. The price of this unit is approximately USD $2,800.00 off of its original purchase price. Price includes shipping & handling within the continental (48 contiguous) United States. Please e-mail or call +1 (216) 381-8107 for additional details. This is a single unit that will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.
1) According to the 20 October, 2010 posting to the Access Technology Blog, the National Federation of the Blind has evaluated the Desire2Learn Learning Environment version 9.0.1 and found it to be fully accessible for instructors and students.
2) Exploring Microsoft Word 20076 with JAWS by Tony Frazer is now available from National Braille Press in electronic braille, text, large print or paper braille for $10.
3) New drivers supporting all current BAUM and Humanware Bluetooth and USB braille displays that comply with Freedom Scientific's Digital Driver Signing initiative have been released, so these displays will now work with current versions of JAWS. You can get the driver at
4) Until the end of December, you can buy a Victor Reader Stream for $359and get the SoftPak, which ordinarily costs $49, for free. The SoftPak includes support for unprotected EPUB books, MP3 and WAV recording, support for unprotected MP4 Audio Files, support for Audible Enhanced books and support for Microsoft Word 2007 Docx documents.
5) A quick glance through the recent bargains pages at will reveal several good deals on different accessible cell phones.
6) To celebrate White Cane Day in Poland, the makers of Ivona Accessibbility are discounting the package by ten dollars or six euros for the next week. The package includes high-quality American and British English voices and a text reading program. the package comes with the screen reader NVDA pre-configured, and some proceeds from the sale go to support development of NVDA. Use promo code 2B8LW3 online to get the discount.
7) Beta 3 of JAWS version 12 is ready for testing.
8) The September, 2010 edition of FSCast from Freedom Scientific features information about new features in the latest version of the Pac Mate and a demo of using the Focus 40 Blue braille display with the iPhone.
9) Over the last few days, contributors to AppleVis, the comprehensive site for news and reviews about accessible apps for Apple portable devices, have contributed accessibility reviews of these apps: Villains, HeyTell, IHeartRadio, posted Lite, go walkies for Guide Dogs (UK), Sun Compass for iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone Ventafone,
TrackThis Package Tracking, ThumbJam, IScheduler, Yahoo! Messenger, File2Mail, Weather Radio, and The Cracked Reader. Helpful hints have been added on Deleting Contacts and gaining easy access to the iOS4 manual. In addition, contributors to the site have a chance to win a free copy of the Sendero GPS LookAround app.
10) Navegon is an accessible GPS app for the iPhone that is used by many blind owners. It will be the subject of discussion on Tek Talk on GMT Tuesday, 26 October at 00:00.
For questions and comments regarding Tidbits, please e-mail Dean Martineau at Dean Martineau provides adaptive technology training by phone, online, and in person, with flexible arrangements, and at affordable prices.
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