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Top Tech Tidbits. The Week's News in Access Technology. Masthead logo includes title as well as five photos, a blind man with a white cane wearing dark sunglasses talking and listening to his mobile phone, a woman with sandy brown to blonde hair wearing a hearing aid, finger tips feeling braille dots on a refreshable braille display, a man making the sign for 'family' in American Sign Language (ASL), and a woman reading text from a tablet using magnification software.

Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, May 13, 2021 - Volume 806

The Week's News in Access Technology

A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication

Top Tech Tidbits. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access technology.

This Week's Featured Advertisement: Top Tech Tidbits. The World's #1 Access Technology Publication. Become A Future Sponsor By Joining Our Waiting List Today!

Dean Martineau logo. MacForTheBlind.com logo. ATGuys.com logo. GuideLightsAndGadgets.us logo. American Printing House APH.org logo. LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Adaptations Online Store logo.
Be My Eyes logo. Dolphin Computer Access logo. HumanWare logo. APH ConnectCenter logo. Freedom Scientific logo. Commtech USA logo.

This issue made possible by sponsorship support from: Dean Martineau @ TopTechTidbits.com, John Panarese @ MacForTheBlind.com, A. T. Guys @ ATGuys.com, Barry Scheur @ GuideLightsAndGadgets.us, American Printing House @ APH.org, LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Adaptations Online Store @ Adaptations.org, Be My Eyes @ BeMyEyes.com, Dolphin Computer Access @ YourDolphin.com, HumanWare @ HumanWare.com, APH ConnectCenter @ APHConnectCenter.org, Freedom Scientific @ FreedomScientific.com and Commtech USA @ CommtechUSA.net.

Dear Tidbits Subscriber,

1) Top 5 Most Clicked Tidbits From Last Week

A.) How to Answer Calls With Your Voice in iOS 14.5: (12.0% of all clicks.)
B.) JAWS with Microsoft Office Power Tip: Using the Search in Microsoft Office: (5.1% of all clicks.)
C.) 10 Free Online Classes from Harvard to Learn Something New: (4.6% of all clicks.)
D.) New Research Shows Robotic Guide Dog Helps Visually Impaired People Even in Confined Spaces: (4.5% of all clicks.)
E.) A Review of the Brailliant BI 40X: (3.9% of all clicks.)

2) What is an RTT call? How The Text Accessibility Feature Lets You Send Real-Time Text Messages

RTT, or real-time text, sends text messages immediately as you type them, without requiring you to hit send. For RTT to work, you need a wireless handset like an iPhone or Android phone using IP-based technology on networks that support RTT. For device users who are deaf, deaf-blind, or have speech-related disabilities, RTT can eliminate the need to purchase specialized devices:

3) Brailliant BI 20X Braille Display Review

Last updated May 6th 2021 courtesy of Vital Tech:

4) Bose Debuts $850 SoundControl Hearing Aids

While they can't be used for streaming music or taking calls, Bose says it's developed the first FDA-cleared, direct-to-consumer hearing aids for adults with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss:

5) Overlay Fact Sheet

Overlays are a broad term for technologies aimed at improving the accessibility of a website by applying third-party source code (typically JavaScript) to make improvements to the front-end code of the website. This document lays out the case against them, and includes lots of quotes from skilled users and accessibility experts:

6) Ability Summit 2021

Here you will find all of the content from the Microsoft Ability Summit 2021, 21 videos:

7) Echo-Related Podcast #1: The Echo Show

Check out The Echo Show, with 28 episodes so far at:

8) Echo-Related Podcast #2: The Dot to Dot Podcast

A daily 5 minute Echo demo from Alexa, currently at episode #1565:

9) Accessible Astronomy: A More Inclusive Experience Thanks to Visualization Scientist Kimberly Arcand and the Talk Description to Me Team, Christine Malec and JJ Hunt

The latest from the Blind Abilities podcast:

10) The Perfect Text Editor Doesn't Exist on the Mac

This AppleVis forum has been updated with some new perspectives:

11) WebAIM: Screen Reader User Survey #9

this year's edition of an important survey is open, the more responses, the better:

12) Custom JAWS Scripts For Dixa

Doug Lee provides these scripts:

13) Google Announces New Assistant Features

In a recent blog post Google has announced new Google Assistant features to help families stay more organized:

14) Guide Dog on Wheels Detects Obstacles and Traffic Light Signals

The e-Guide Dog is equipped with laser scanners that detect when an obstacle is in the way. It can also be programmed with preset routes that will give its user directions:

15) Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts Cheatsheet

Courtesy of MakeTechEasier.com:

16) Employment Immersion May Virtual Workshop By Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired

May's workshop runs 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM PDT weekdays from May 3rd through 28th 2021. There IS a job market! Job seekers who are blind and have low vision are in demand to work remotely. Let LightHouse support you on your pathway to employment in these challenging times. Our award-winning Employment Immersion program is now available virtually. Now is the time to join us via the Zoom conferencing platform. The program begins the first Monday of every month and runs each weekday. This comprehensive month-long training is specifically designed for people who are blind and have low vision. We are committed to providing group and individual guidance from the fundamentals of job search, to the complexities of disclosure of one's disability with pride and confidence, to instruction on job search techniques, to honing interview skills. Most importantly, this program focuses on the participant's individual job goals. To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please contact the team through email:
eIteam@lighthouse-sf.org 📧️

17) Petition to Open Source ETI-Eloquence

There is currently a petition for Microsoft to open source Eloquence. This could open up a number of possibilities. Such as getting eloquence into Narrator, fixing bugs in Eloquence so that all characters are spoken such as math symbols, making it legal to use the add-on for NVDA, and much more. Microsoft has absorbed the company Nuance, which is the current owner of Eloquence, and people are optimistic that Microsoft would be open to the idea of open sourcing Eloquence because Microsoft has started embracing accessibility and open source software over the past few years. Please sign or pass this along to anyone that you know who might be interested:

➜ Press Releases and Other News

1) Open Source Audio Editor Audacity is Now Part of MuseGroup

Existing Audacity users may be interested in the project's future. Acquisitions may lead to undesirable changes or even the discontinuation of a program, but this appears not to be the case for Audacity. They have revealed plans in the announcement video to contribute to the project and hire senior developers and designers. More contributors could improve development. Light non-destructive UX changes may be part of upcoming releases:

2) Blind People, Advocates Slam Company Claiming to Make Websites ADA Compliant

Another update in this continuing saga:

3) Nike Unveils Its First Hands-Free Sneaker: The GO FlyEase

In 2012, Matthew Walzer was 16 years old, and like many people his age, he was thinking a lot about college. However, unlike his peers, Walzer wasn't just considering majors and dorm setups — he was wondering whether he'd be able to find someone at school to tie his shoes. Walzer had been born with cerebral palsy, a disorder that affects some of his motor skills, and he lacks the hand flexibility needed to put on and tie laces. So, with college on the horizon, he decided to take his problem to the largest footwear company in the world:

4) Smartphone App Helps Blind People Stand in Socially Distanced Lines

This app is designed to help the blind or visually impaired find the end of the line and continuously report the distance and direction of the last person in line so the user can follow them easily. The app uses the RGB camera integrated into the smartphone and detects nearby pedestrians. It also leverages the integrated infrared depth sensor to estimate their position:

5) Standard eBooks Builds Upon Project Gutenberg to Offer a Better Reading Experience

Project Gutenberg has always been a commendable literary initiative that ensured the classic titles of yore lived on in the digital age. While that is great, the eBooks lack consistent typography. Cover art leaves something to be disired, in addiiton to many typos, that can mar the reading experience considerably. It is here that the Standard eBooks come into the picture:

➜ Featured Podcast Episodes

1) Outdoors with Lawrence Gunther: Kayaking Blind

April 30th 2021 | People often look for a challenge to stimulate their creativity and expand their horizons. San Francisco's Lighthouse for the blind and Visually Impaired offers just such an incentive through their annual Holman Prize competition. Ms Lilly and I review three of the 2021 outdoor oriented Holman Prize semifinalists, and I speak with a 2017 Prize winner about his international blind kayaking adventure. I share some of my own blind kayaking tips, and reflect on taking blind kayaking to the extreme. So climb aboard for episode 24 of AMI Audio's original podcast, Outdoors with Lawrence Gunther:

2) Blind Android Users 21 | All About Notifications and Muslim Pro

May 3rd 2021

3) Mosen At Large 121

May 8th 2021 Blind pride, blind people at the airport, plenty of tech questions and opinions:

4) That Real Blind Tech Show 31 | What's More Comforting Than A Fischler, Maybe Moby Dick?

May 9th 2021
We start off with the ancient philosophers question of how stupid are sighted people when it comes to blindness? We then dive in to the sale of Yahoo Fantasy and what it means for the future of the accessibility for the app. Believe it or not but it seems like Uber drivers have found a new way to attempt to complicate the lives of blind guide dog handlers:

5) Blind Tech Guys 84 | BTG And Live Accessible Talk Past, Present, And Future Technology And Innovation

May 11th 2021 | On this episode of the pod, the team sits down with Carrie from LiveAccessible to discuss technology and innovation from the past, present, and future, both from low vision and blindness perspectives, and Nimer demonstrates YouTube Music:

6) Eyes on Success 2120 | APH ConnectCenter

May 12th 2021
The American Printing House (APH) ConnectCenter manages resources aimed at helping people of all ages and includes VisionAware, FamilyConnect, CareerConnect, ConnectCalendar, and an Information and Referral Line. Hosts Nancy and Peter Torpey talk with director Olaya Landa-Vialard and digital content specialist Kathryn Botsford about these services:

➜ Featured Webinars, Training Courses and Events

1) All Virtual All Free 2021 National Coding Symposium

May 11th 2021 to May 14th 2021 | Designed for you to attend all, or just what you can, this Zoom event targets middle and high-school students, parents, teachers and adaptive technology instructors. Co-hosted by American Printing House (APH) and California School for the Blind (CSB), professionals in the field of coding will share their experiences and answer student questions. Hear from inspirational speakers and panelists in presentations and question and answer sessions to learn more about careers related to coding. Teachers of students with visual impairments and assistive technology specialists can learn about ways to integrate accessible coding activities into their lesson plans. Parents can learn how to support their children with interests in this field. Emphasis is on accessibility of the coding process. Recordings will be posted to the APH YouTube Channel afterwards. All student participants who register and participate in the 2021 National Coding Symposium will be eligible to receive a free one-year subscription to JAWS, ZoomText or Fusion from Vispero. In addition, all students are invited to submit a short essay (500 word or less) and complete a simple form to be eligible to receive a credit of up to $3000 towards the purchase of technology from Vispero, Humanware, or APH and a $200 Amazon gift card. Details and registration information here:

2) Meaningful Image Descriptions for Social Studies Content Webinar by American Printing House

May 17th 2021 | 9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 4PM GMT | Between maps, graphs, political cartoons, and diagrams, images are unavoidable in the social sciences. Offering equitable access to this subject matter remains challenging and can lead to delays in the delivery of braille. When judiciously applied, image descriptions provide students immediate and enhanced access to these difficult materials in the classroom. Attend this webinar and learn how to create meaningful and effective image descriptions in braille for a variety of visual content used in social studies. Register here:

3) Video Accessibility with 3Play Media | Part 2 of 3 | Live Captioning

May 18th 2021 | 11AM PT, 12PM MT, 1PM CT, 2PM ET, 6PM GMT | In this webinar you will learn the basics of live captioning and how 3Play Media can help make your videos fully accessible, searchable, and more engaging for all viewers:

4) Zoom Webinar by World-Renowned Apple Trainer and Consultant John Panarese and Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) Donna Jodhan

May 22nd 2021 | 10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 5PM GMT | Share your thoughts and suggestions as to how Apple can further enhance and improve its products to meet the requirements of blind and vision impaired persons. Share your dreams and visions as to how we can foster more collaboration with Apple. To register, please send an email to the following address no later than 12:00 Noon EST on Friday May 21st 2021:
john@macfortheblind.com 📧️

5) Zoom Webinar | Florida Vision Technology | Florida Assistive Technology Presentation

June 7th 2021 | 7AM PT, 8AM MT, 9AM CT, 10AM ET, 2PM GMT | Join Florida Vision Technology for a virtual presentation of the latest and greatest in Assistive Technology including the brand new Envision Glasses and other wearables Check out our most updated catalog of products: https://floridareading.com/downloads. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Register in advance for this webinar:

6) National Federation of the Blind 2021 National Convention

July 6th 2021 through July 10th 2021 | Register for free to attend the largest gathering of blind people and take advantage of the opportunity to network with thousands of blind role models, connect with leaders in the field of blindness, attend presentations on a variety of empowering topics, and learn about the latest in technology and innovation. Learn more and register here:

➜ Surveys

1) Microsoft Screen Reader Experience Survey

Close Date: May 14th 2021 | Microsoft is inviting users of screen readers to participate in a survey to collect information regarding which screen reader they use, how they use it, and their confidence level. Your responses will not be associated with any of your personal information. The survey should take around 15 minutes:

2) Vispero Video Magnifier Survey

Close Date: May 31st 2021 | Do you use our low vision hardware products? If so, we need your help! We want to make changes that ensure a hassle-free experience for you when using our products. Please take our three-minute survey to tell us what is most important to you. In appreciation of your feedback, you will be entered to win one of five Amazon gift cards. The grand prize is a $100 gift card, and the other four gift cards are $25 each. Take the Vispero Video Magnifier Survey today. The survey ends May 31. You must be 18 years of age or older to win the gift card. Vispero employees are not eligible to win.

3) WebAIM Screen Reader User Survey #9

Close Date: June 15th 2021 | The following survey is a follow-up to previous WebAIM Screen Reader User Surveys. This survey is primarily intended to collect new information and track updates/trends from previous surveys. By completing this survey you will help inform development choices for those creating accessible web content and web standards. All screen reader users, even those who use screen readers only for evaluation and testing, are invited to participate:

4) PolyPad Braille Display Needs Assessment

Close Date: July 1st 2021 | Participants must be 18 years or older to participate and able to read braille. We hope that our research will lead to a high quality multi-lined braille display that can be used with a smartphone. Researchers will investigate the quality and usefulness of the product and use the information to improve the development of the device:

➜ Directories

1) Top Tech Tidbits Blind And Visually Impaired Listserv Directory


2) Top Tech Tidbits Blind And Visually Impaired Podcast Directory


➜ Buy, Sell or Trade

1) FOR SALE: One Eye Scan Reading Machine

Listing Date: 4/29/2021 | Price: $900.00 USD | Condition: Gently Used. | Description: Scan text and hear it read back to you. Offers storage capability of up to 20 pages in memory. Includes: Reader with Eye-Scan software installed, Flatbed Scanner, Custom Oversized Tactile Eye-Scan Keypad and internal speakers. | Contact: lauraofte52@gmail.com 📧️ or (510) 851-3716 📱️ |

2) FOR SALE: One HIMS QBraille XL 40 Smart Display

Listing Date: 4/22/2021 | Price: $2,500.00 USD | Condition: New. | Description: A 40 cell display that has all the control keys found on PC/Mac. You can read/type in braille with the Perkins but not have to learn specific screen reader commands. USB/bluetooth, and it can take standalone notes, has a calendar etc. Reasonable offers OK. | Contact: therealvictormarques@gmail.com 📧️ or (269) 358-8853 📱️ |

3) FOR SALE: One Buy, Sell or Trade Advertisement (Just like this one.)

Price: $5.00 USD | Description: List your new, gently-used or refurbished item in FOUR (4) consecutive issues of Top Tech Tidbits for just $5.00 USD. | Buy an Ad: Fill out this short 10-step form ✔ to secure your Buy, Sell or Trade Advertisement today. | Learn more at: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/buy-sell-trade.html 🌐 |

Top Tech Tidbits Sponsor Classified Ads:

Sponsor: Be My Eyes

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

Accessible Pharmacy Joins Be My Eyes
Accessible Pharmacy, the new, home delivery pharmacy with a blind founder, is bringing its full range of support and services to Be My Eyes. Users of the Be My Eyes app can now call Accessible Pharmacy directly to get support with medication, medical devices, and even home delivery COVID testing. With a fully trained and discreet pharmacy staff on call from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Pacific, Accessible Pharmacy is the new way for blind and low vision consumers to get an easy, frictionless pharmacy experience. Call today — and you'll never have to take an Uber to the drugstore again.

Lead Contact: Will Butler, VP of Community

Be My Eyes logo.

Sponsor Since: November 5th 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.bemyeyes.com/ 🌐

Download The App (iOS):
Be My Eyes for iOS - From the Apple App Store 📱

Download The App (Android):
Be My Eyes for Android - From the Google Play Store 📱

About: Be My Eyes is a free mobile app that allows anyone who needs video support to get assistance from a dynamic range of volunteers and company customer support professionals from around the world. With more than 4 million volunteers and dozens of companies offering on-demand visual interpretation and support, Be My Eyes is a free, unlimited way to bridge gaps and get access to whatever information you need — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in any language. Download the app today from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Sponsor: LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Adaptations Online Store

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Adaptations Online Store Featured Products
Revolution Cane Tip: Standard Roller Tip: $14.50 | Locator Dots: Small Pack of 6 (Clear or Orange): $2.00 | NFB Metal Cane Tip: $3.00 | TMAP - On Demand Tactile Street | Map (set of two maps): $25.00 | Ambutech Aluminum Folding Cane: $35.00 | NFB Chris Park Telescoping Cane: $45.00 | BoldWriter 20 Pen (Individual or 6-pack): $2.00 | Bump Dots: Mixed (50 count): $7.00 | Braille Apple Catalina VoiceOver Guide OSX 10.15 (3 volumes) - Latest Manual: $52.00 | SpeedDots iPhone Tactile Screen Protector, Phone Layout: $12.00 | NFB Chris Park 7-Piece Folding Cane: $50.00 | Visit https://adaptations.org/ to learn more today!

LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Adaptations Online Store logo.

Sponsor Since: October 1, 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: https://adaptations.org/ 🌐

Toll Free: (888) 400-8933 📱️

Local: (415) 694-7301 📱️

About: Founded in 1902, San Francisco's LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired promotes the independence, equality and self-reliance of people who are blind or have low vision. Adaptations is your online go-to for tools, technology, and accessible solutions for blind and visually impaired people.

Sponsor: American Printing House (APH)

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

Build a foundational understanding of construction and electronics with BRIC: Structures® Access Kit from APH - an adapted version of an educational Elenco® product for students who are blind and visually impaired!
The BRIC: Structures® Access Kit combines ordinary building bricks with Snap Circuits® to create 26 projects, such as circuits and real-world structures, that run on electricity. Visit https://www.aph.org/product/bric-structures-access-kit/ to learn more.

American Printing House (APH) logo.

Sponsor Since: July 2nd 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.aph.org/ 🌐

Toll Free and Customer Support: (800) 223-1839 📱️

Phone: (512) 895-2405 📱️

Fax: (512) 899-2284

YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/WENRlCNDsxQ 🎥

Free Apps & Actions from APH: https://www.aph.org/free-apps-from-aph/ 📱

About: Since 1858, the American Printing House for the Blind has operated in Louisville, Kentucky as the world's largest nonprofit organization, creating accessible learning experiences through educational, workplace, and independent living products and services for people who are blind and visually impaired. APH believes that the future belongs to everyone. By offering innovative products and services, APH opens up a door of opportunities for lifelong independence and success.

Sponsor: GuideLights and Gadgets

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

GuideLights And Gadgets:
Non-Contact Infrared Talking Thermometer, and talking BP meter; Accurate, easy to use, clear voice; one cuff fits all, $50 each. New! Our tough cowhide leather on-the-go case with 5 pockets to hold your essentials, 5x7x3; wear as neck pouch or crossbody $40. New! Protect your 20 cell Braille display investment with a hollow padded book size leather folio case. It's truly unique, both for its style and function, $55. Conventions are just around the corner, with lots of specials on leather bags, electronics, and dog products. Call Barry: (617) 969-7500 📱️ or Kae: (781) 286-1696 📱️.

Director, http://www.GuideLightsAndGadgets.us

GuideLights And Gadgets logo. The silhouette of a man with a cane in one hand and the harness of a trained guide dog in the other walk together through the grass at sunrise. GuideLights And Gadgets. Personal. Affordable. Responsive. Trusted.

Sponsor Since: June 25th 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: http://www.guidelightsandgadgets.us/ 🌐

For Gadgets and Leather Contact Barry at:
Phone: (617) 969-7500 📱️
Email: bscheur.gadgetsandtech@gmail.com 📧️

For All Things Dog Contact Kae at:
Phone: (781) 286-1696 📱️
Email: guidelightdogs@gmail.com 📧️

About: Our Scope of Products: We specialize in 3 lines of products, all intended to assist in access to adaptive electronics, enhance experiences for guide dog teams, and offer practical solutions for organization and travel with a variety of leather bags, pouches, and backpacks. Then there are the random products that are included, just for fun! We enjoy working with our customers 1-on-1 to their money is well spent and not wasted on something they may not use. In thinking about our customers and whether we will carry a product our guiding motto is that it must be: practical, affordable, simple, tested, and accessible (the pasta principle) and it seems to work very well.

What We Do: We bring our business either via zoom, phone, or to your conference or convention, to give each customer a chance for questions and where possible, "hands on" evaluation of the merchandise. Kae and I test and use each product as blind users before we put it in our catalog. In the case of products for guide and service dogs, our own three guides, Thor, Debra and Melody, are engaged in the process of evaluating the usefulness, durability, and/or fun of the product. We want each of our products to be useful, accessible, afforable, and, whenever possible, fun! Our inventory is constantly changing, so a visit to us is never the same experience twice!

Sponsor: A. T. Guys

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

Pluggable USB-C 7-in-1 Hub
If you're like me, you probably have more things to plug into your computer than available ports. That's why we've now added the Pluggable USB-C 7-in-1 Hub. Plug it into your laptop and you will get 3 USB ports, SD and Micro SD card slots, a USBC charging port, and an HDMI video port. It's available now for just $29.95:

A. T. Guys logo.

Sponsor Since: June 11th 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.atguys.com/ 🌐

Phone: (269) 216-4798 📱️

Email: support@atguys.com 📧️

Skype: atguys ✆

Twitter: https://twitter.com/atguys (@atguys) ✍

Facebook: https://facebook.com/atguys

About: ATGuys.com. Your access technology experts, home for cool gadgets, accessories, and more. Our products are all tested to work great for blind and visually impaired users but also work just as well for anyone. If there's an item you're looking for, or if you have a question, please don't hesitate to send us a message or call (269) 216-4798 📱️.

Sponsor: John Panarese

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

May 22nd 2021: Zoom Webinar by World-Renowned Apple Trainer and Consultant John Panarese and Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) Donna Jodhan
High profile Apple Trainer and Consultant John Panarese is teaming up with Apple Certified Support Professional Donna Jodhan to offer you a very rare and unique opportunity! Yes! An opportunity for you to say what is on your mind! Coming on May 22nd 2021! Your chance to provide feedback to Apple about their iOS devices and Mac Computers! To register please send an email to john@macfortheblind.com 📧️. First come first serve! To learn more about John and his incredible work visit him at:

MacForTheBlind.com logo.

Director, https://www.MacForTheBlind.com
Authorized Apple Business Affiliate
Apple Certified Support Professional
Apple Certified Trainer
Assistive Technology Consultant

Sponsor Since: June 4th 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.macfortheblind.com/ 🌐

Donate Course Time: https://donorbox.org/macfortheblind

Email: john@macfortheblind.com 📧️

About: Macfortheblind.com is a place specifically for blind people who are either users or potential users of Macintosh computers or iOS devices, such as the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, Apple Watch and Apple TV. I am a blind individual who has used the Mac ever since VoiceOver became available in OS 10.4 Tiger, and I own an iMac, Mac Mini, Mac Book Pro laptop computer, an iPhone 6S, an iPad Air, an Apple Watch and an Apple TV 4th Generation. In addition, I am an Authorized Apple Business Affiliate, and as an Apple Certified Support Professional and an Apple Certified Trainer, I offer training and technical support for individuals, agencies and organizations on the mac and all iDevices, as well as offering assistive technology consulting.

Sponsor: Dean Martineau

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

Voice Training
Would you like to learn to control your computer with your voice, or to create documents using your voice rather than the keyboard? There are several tools to accomplish these objectives. I can provide training in their use. Write to me if interested at:

Editor, Top Tech Tidbits Newsletter

Top Tech Tidbits logo.

Sponsor Since: June 4th 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/ 🌐

About: Dean Martineau is the Founder and a Contributing Editor to the Top Tech Tidbits Newsletter.

Sponsor: Commtech USA

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

Training to Fit Your Needs Do you have a device you just don't understand? Do you want to advance your skills on a certain platform? Let Commtech help you out! From phones to note takers to computers and everything in between, let Commtech give you the skills you need to succeed. For more information, call (833) 345-8324 📱️ EXT 700 or visit our website:

Commtech USA logo.

Sponsor Since: April 22nd 2021 Calendar icon.

Website: https://commtechusa.net/ 🌐

Phone: (833) 345-8324 📱️

About: Commtech USA, a division of Commtech LLC is a Phoenix based national assistive technology company, with locations in Bakersfield CA. We deliver unmatched information technology and assistive technology consultations, training and support. Founded in 2005 as a government vendor fulfilling a vast range of technology needs of federal and state government clients, Commtech USA has expanded to meet the needs of businesses as well as individuals, with office locations across the nation. No issue is too large or too small for our staff, Commtech USA is the on call technology staff you call when you have tried the rest but need the best!

Book an appointment with Commtech.

Meet the Commtech USA Staff in this YouTube video.

Download The App (iOS):
Commtech USA for iOS - From the Apple App Store 📱

Download The App (Android):
Commtech USA for Android - From the Google Play Store 📱

Sponsor: Freedom Scientific

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

Freedom Scientific Focus Blue 5th Generation Refreshable Braille Displays
Our world-class refreshable Braille displays deliver efficient Braille input and outstanding output for your PC or mobile device. The robust Bluetooth® connectivity provides seamless use with Windows®, Mac®, iPhones®, iPads®, and AndroidTM smartphones and tablets. Ergonomic navigation features allow quick, natural hand movements for greater productivity. When used with JAWS® screen reading software, they support our popular Braille Study Mode, an interactive tool for teaching and learning Braille. Learn more today:

Freedom Scientific logo.

Sponsor Since: April 15th 2021 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.freedomscientific.com/ 🌐

Email: info@vispero.com 📧️

Phone: (800) 444-4443 📱️

Facebook | Twitter | YouTube (Training)

About: Freedom Scientific, a Vispero brand, is a leading worldwide brand of assistive technology products for those with vision impairments. We offer products designed to promote independence, allowing blind and low vision individuals the same access to information as their sighted peers. World-renowned JAWS (Job Access With Speech) screen reading software and ZoomText screen magnification software provide users the independence and ability to seek education and obtain or maintain a career after vision loss. Our expansive product line includes both low vision and blindness technology for all aspects of daily living. The wide range of RUBY, TOPAZ, and ONYX desktop and portable video magnifiers are designed for their ease of use and assist with daily activities. Our impressive line of blindness hardware products include refreshable Braille displays and scanning and reading devices, offering many options tailored to fit individual needs.

Sponsor: APH ConnectCenter

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

VisionAware Resources
VisionAware Resources Including the Information and Referral Line APH ConnectCenter has resources to help blind and low vision people thrive. In addition to the Reader's Digest Getting Started with Vision Loss Guide You can also call the Information and Referral Line with your questions about resources and living with blindness and low vision.

APH ConnectCenter logo.

Sponsor Since: March 4th 2021 Calendar icon.

Website: https://aphconnectcenter.org/ 🌐

Email: connectcenter@aph.org 📧️

APH ConnectCenter Information and Referral Line:
(800) 232-5463 📱️

Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET

Facebook (CareerConnect) | Facebook (FamilyConnect) | Facebook (VisionAware) | Twitter | YouTube

About: The APH ConnectCenter offers curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, and job seekers who are blind or visually impaired, and their associated professionals, leading to greater independence and success in their lives.

Sponsor: Humanware

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

BRAILLIANT Renewed! The NEW Brailliant BI X Series is here!
The wait is over! A redefined family of Brailliant refreshable Braille displays has arrived! The NEW Brailliant BI X Series will help you stay connected, download books from many participating online libraries and share information easily with your peers. You will enjoy the intuitive, seamless user experience of KeySoft Lite, the HumanWare flagship accessibility suite designed to make you more productive. Including the Brailliant BI 40X and the Brailliant BI 20X, this is the Brailliant idea you need!

Humanware logo.

Sponsor Since: February 4th 2021 Calendar icon.

Website: http://humanware.com/ 🌐

Phone (Asia): +61 2 9686 2600 📱️
Phone (Australia): +61 2 9686 2600 📱️
Phone (Canada): +1 888 723-7273 📱️
Phone (Europe): +44 1933 415 800 📱️
Phone (International): +44 1933 415 800 📱️
Phone (Ireland): +01 8307033 📱️
Phone (New Zealand): +027 700 1674 📱️
Phone (United Kingdom): +01933 415800 📱️
Phone (United States): +1 800 722-3393 📱️

YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRWVYiggn-w 🎥

About: HumanWare is the global leader in assistive technology for people who are blind or have low vision. HumanWare offers a wide range of innovative products, including the BrailleNote Touch, first Google certified braille tablet, the iOS compatible Brailliant braille displays, Victor Reader®, the world's leading family of digital audiobook players, the unique Prodigi® family of desktop and portable vision and reading systems, and the ultra-portable explore line of electronic handheld magnifier.

Sponsor: Dolphin Computer Access

➜ This Week's Classified Ad:

Everyone Can Have an Amazing Customer Experience with SuperNova Kiosks!
Dolphin creates customized kiosk solutions for every type of service kiosk and every level of vision loss--and that's a win for your service or brand! If you're a business owner or someone who's struggling to access a service via a kiosk, spread the word! Check out this introductory audio/video demonstration highlighting the benefits of Dolphin SuperNova Kiosks!

Dolphin logo.

Sponsor Since: January 28th 2021 Calendar icon.

Website: https://yourdolphin.com/ 🌐

Phone (USA & Canada): +1 (866) 797-5921 📱️

Phone (UK, Europe & Asia): +44 01905 754577 📱️

Phone (Nordic & Baltic Contries): +46 0515 82175 📱️

Download a FREE 30-Day Trial of GuideConnect
GuideConnect Trial

Download a FREE 30-Day Trial of SuperNova
SuperNova Trial

About: Dolphin Computer Access offers a wide array of solutions for students, people in the workforce, and at home who are blind, visually impaired or have dyslexia. Each product is purposefully designed to help users, with varying levels of technology experience, do everyday things EASILY on computers and tablets. Founded in 1986 and located in Worcester England, Dolphin has grown to become a global market leader worldwide.

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Top Tech Tidbits is the world's leading not-for-profit access technology publication that reaches over 33,000 access technology professionals, educators and enthusiasts, all over the world, each week.

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If you would like to show your support for Tidbits by becoming a Top Tech Tidbits Sponsor we encourage you to join our waiting list by sending an email to: sponsorships@toptechtidbits.com 📧️.

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In tandem with Our Sponsors, these are the people that make the ongoing distribution of Tidbits possible:

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Platinum Supporters:

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1.) Gary Lee
Platinum Supporter since June 25, 2020

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Platinum Supporter since July 9, 2020

3.) Pshon Barrett
Platinum Supporter since January 28, 2021

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Gold Supporters:

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1.) Howard Goldstein
Gold Supporter since June 4, 2020

2.) David Goldstein
Gold Supporter since June 12, 2020

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Gold Supporter since January 14, 2021

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Bronze Supporter since July 16, 2020

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Bronze Supporter since September 10, 2020

Top Tech Tidbits Subscription Information:


Founded in 2004, Top Tech Tidbits is the world's leading not-for-profit Access Technology publication that reaches over 33,000 assistive technology professionals, educators and enthusiasts each week. Sign up here. Review the archive here. Adaptive Technology refers to items that are specifically designed for people with disabilities. Adaptive Technology is a subset of Assistive Technology. Adaptive Technology often refers specifically to electronic and information technology access. Top Tech Tidbits is a Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication. Publisher: Aaron Di Blasi. Contributing Editors: John Hanlin, Jenna Lang. Top Tech Tidbits is a sponsor and reader supported publication.


Top Tech Tidbits is released every Thursday morning at 6:00 AM ET.


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A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication
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