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Top Tech Tidbits. The Week's News in Access Technology. Masthead logo includes title as well as five photos, a blind man with a white cane wearing dark sunglasses talking and listening to his mobile phone, a woman with sandy brown to blonde hair wearing a hearing aid, finger tips feeling braille dots on a refreshable braille display, a man making the sign for 'family' in American Sign Language (ASL), and a woman reading text from a tablet using magnification software.

Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, July 29, 2021 - Volume 817

The Week's News in Access Technology

A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication

Top Tech Tidbits. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access technology.

This Week's Featured Advertisement: Buy a Reveal 16 or a Reveal 16i and get the gift of a FREE battery and a FREE Exploré 5

Middle-aged professional at work looking at graph using a Reveal 16i, HumanWare's all-in-one digital magnifier, and an image of an Exploré 5 handheld portable digital magnifier with the SPECIAL OFFER mention.

Great news! Now and until November 30, 2021, HumanWare will extend an incredible offer! When purchasing a Reveal 16 or Reveal 16i, you'll receive an Exploré 5, our pocket-size magnifier, and a FREE battery for the Reveal 16 or Reveal 16i of your choice.

Delivering an uncompromisingly superb image quality, Reveal 16 is the simplest-to-use, transportable, desktop magnifier suitable for seniors, young students, and anyone in between looking for an easy-to-use solution. The Reveal 16i, the smart, connected, and transportable version, is a unique, all-in-one digital magnifier that will keep you engaged in today's fast-paced world and connected to your family and friends.

Don't miss the opportunity to get all the solutions you need to conquer low vision in every way - at home, at school, or while going about your daily activities indoors or outdoors!

For more details about Reveal 16 and Reveal 16i, please visit our website at: https://store.humanware.com/hus/low-vision/reveal-16-digital-magnifiers/.

Dear Tidbits Subscriber,

1) Top 5 Most Clicked Tidbits From Last Week

A.) Windows 11: Four New Keyboard Shortcuts You Must Learn: (8.9% of all clicks.)
Votes: 25 | Winners: 3 | Kate Crohan, Maiia Jeffrey, Ruchika Sharma
B.) Keyboard Shortcuts in Office: (7.0% of all clicks.)
C.) Microsoft Announces Windows 365, A Cloud OS You Can Stream: (4.5% of all clicks.)
D.) How to Order Groceries with Amazon Alexa: (4.2% of all clicks.)
E.) Blind Accessibility Tips Website: (3.9% of all clicks.)

2) Top Tech Tidbits "Most Clicked Tidbit" Weekly Contest | Week #30 of 52 | This Week's Odds: 1 of 22

Number of votes last week: 25. Number of winners last week: 3. Kate Crohan, Maiia Jeffrey, and Ruchika Sharma. How well do you know adaptive technology? Do you think that you could consistently identify adaptive technology trends if given the opportunity? Well here's your chance. You can now cast your vote each week for the one Tidbit that you believe will receive the most clicks. Get it right more than anyone else each week and you win a $250.00 USD cash prize at the end of the year (December 31st 2021). In addition, there may be opportunities for winners to join our editorial team. The premise is simple and voting is easy. Can you pick the one Tidbit out of each issue that will get the most clicks? If you think you can, or at least would like to try, learn everything there is to know about the contest here and start casting your vote today:
Learn More:https://www.toptechtidbits.com/36.html
Vote Now:https://www.toptechtidbits.com/premium-subscribers.html

3) Top Tech Tidbits Says Thank You And Farewell To Sponsors Commtech USA and Dolphin | Two Sponsorship Packages Currently Available

Please join all of us here at Tidbits in wishing a fine farewell to Commtech USA and Dolphin who have so very graciously supported the distribution of Top Tech Tidbits for the last 3 and 6 months, respectively. If you look forward to Tidbits every week, it is sponsors like Commtech USA and Dolphin that make it possible. If you would like to join us in supporting Tidbits while enjoying some really incredible marketing benefits, please reach out to our publisher today at: publisher@toptechtidbits.com 📧️. Or learn more at:

4) AccessWorld July 2021

Some good, unique information here: "Reading Print with Low Vision," "Supercharge Your Braille Reading for Pleasure and Productivity," "Take a Note: A History of Braille Note Taking," "Product Review: The Brailliant Bi 40X Braille Display from HumanWare," and "Vision Tech: New Research into Glaucoma:"

5) Everything New With Siri in iOS 15: On-Device Processing, Offline Support, Sharing, Improved Context and More

Of course, it isn't official until the official release, but here's what we have to look forward to with Siri come September 2021:

6) Audio-Based Video Game, The Vale: Shadow of the Crown

This launches August 19th 2021 on PC and Xbox. Here's a YouTube video about it:

7) Envision YouTube Channel

Find lots of information about the glasses and app, with user stories:

8) Android Shortcut Supercourse

This is free, not related to TalkBack, but has great potential. A week of email lessons:

9) FSCast #202

Maybe you don't know FSReader as well as you think, accessible Emoji, financial education and software development:

10) Two New NVDA Add-ons

A.) Advanced Phonetic Reading:
B.) Clock:

11) Exploring Tech Webinar with David Woodbridge

All about Smart Speakers with and without screens, and some 3rd party devices, on YouTube:

12) Audiobooks are Books, Too

Is listening to books really reading? This author proves why it is:

13) Intro to Grade 3 Braille, Braille with JAWS, and Braille in iOS

These are some of the recorded masterclasses available from the Braillists Foundation:

14) Case For Not Using Accessibility Overlays, With Added Privacy Concerns

A.) A lot of accessibility professionals have endorsed or contributed to this document explaining why AccessiBe and similar products harm accessibility efforts:
B.) This post from respected authority L'onie Watson is clear about the unwelcome privacy consequences of AccessiBe:

15) Using Picture Smart in JAWS and Fusion to Describe Image Files or Pictures on Web Pages

This is a short TikTok video:

16) Game On | 1 New Endorsement | Top Tech Tidbits BVI Technology Game Directory | 10 Games Listed

If you are a blind or visually impaired gamer and you play a game that you would like to tell other blind or visually impaired gamers about, please submit your game to the Top Tech Tidbits BVI Technology Game Directory today. And remember, if you come across a game in the Directory that you agree is awesome, please be sure to endorse it by submitting it yourself so that it moves up the list where more people will notice it:

17) Paid Research Project | Exploring the Experiences and Needs of People with Visual Impairments in a Kitchen | Closes: August 3rd 2021

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is conducting a research project to explore how blind and low-vision people cook in the kitchen so that we can understand their challenges, and design technologies to support cooking activities. In a study session, we will be observing participants cooking, and interviewing them about their cooking experiences. You may qualify if you are: 18+ years old AND blind or low vision for at least one year AND a US resident. (We can only offer research compensation to US residents for now due to tax requirements. Sorry for that!). We will provide a $15 Amazon gift card per hour as compensation. The study will last about 2 hours, so the total compensation will be $30. If you are interested in our study, please fill in the questionnaire in the link to sign up:

18) New "SkipTo" Browser Extension Provides Keyboard Navigation to Landmarks and Headings

The "Skip to Landmarks and Headings" browser extension is an assistive technology to support the Bypass Blocks requirement of WCAG by providing keyboard support for viewing and navigating to selected landmarks and headings on any web page. It also provides everyone with a high level outline of the landmarks and headings of a page to quickly scan the content of a web page, including users of screen readers. The SkipTo extension is an open source project and is free for anyone to share or use. The link to the source code can be found on GitHub at: https://github.com/skipto/extension. Shortcut keys to open the SkipTo menu: Windows/Linux: ALT+2. MacOS: Option+2. Your feedback on the extension is important, please email comments to: jongund@illinois.edu. If you like the extension, they encourage you to consider giving it a rating and a review.
Chrome Extension URL: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skip-to-landmarks-and-hea/fjkpbfcodhflpdildjbmdhhmcoplghgf
Firefox Extension URL: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/skipto/

19) Orbit Reader 20 Plus Version A1.02.00.09r17 Now Available

For instructions on upgrading the device, please refer to Section 24 of the User Guide (Version 1.5) available on the website at:

20) The YouTube Channel of Dr. Denise M. Robinson

A referral from David Goldfield aimed at both students and TVIs. Recent videos include: The Pearl Camera And How to Use It, Math graphics online to word to embosser for screen readers, Geometry using CPM math online and typing math in Word by Boon, Google Slides navigation with screen reader, Electronic books using read aloud for Blind students-with navigation commands and many more:

21) How to Use Automated Captions for Voice Tweets on Twitter

Twitter rolled out automated captions for voice tweets just a few days ago. Voice tweets is a new feature that was rolled out last year and it faced a lot of criticism after users pointed out Twitter's disinterest in making it accessible for all types of users. For instance, this feature would be difficult to use for people who are visually impaired, deaf, or hard of hearing. To make up for this miss, Twitter recently launched automated captions for all voice tweets:

22) Game-Changing iPhone Features That Make Life With a Disability Easier

The accessibility mode may just be the greatest ally in maintaining your autonomy:

23) A Controversial Tool Calls Out Thousands of Hackable Websites

PunkSpider is back, and crawling hundreds of millions of sites for vulnerabilities:

➜ Press Releases and Other News

1) Newton's Carroll Center for the Blind Launches New Career Program

The Screen Reader User Tester Training Program will teach visually impaired adults how to explore, test and report on digital accessibility:

2) Guide Dog Organizations Partner to Aid People Who are Blind Amid COVID-19

A global pandemic can't stop the Leader Dogs for the Blind from assisting those who are blind or visually impaired, regardless of what country they reside in:

3) Chemical Modelling With A Sense of Touch

Computational chemist Mona Minkara simulates the molecular dynamics required for lung function and boosts access for visually impaired chemists:

4) 7 Ways New Voting Laws Can Affect People With Disabilities

A July 13th 2021 opinion piece in the Washington Post, by Katrina vanden Heuvel, offered a rare look at a comparatively neglected aspect of the current fight to preserve voting rights: safe, flexible, and accessible voting for people with disabilities. It's a perspective well known in the disability community, but seldom covered as strongly in the "mainstream" press:

5) New Device Could Help Visually Impaired Avoid Obstacles, Research Suggests

Chest-mounted video camera and vibrating wristbands developed by US team reduce collisions by 37% in small study:

6) Science Daily: Wearable Devices Can Reduce Collision Risk In Blind And Visually Impaired People

A new randomized trial shows potential for collision-warning devices as an added travel safety measure in addition to a conventional long cane:

7) Say Yes To The Dress: Who is Shaela Warkentin? Meet TLC's blind bride on Instagram

"Say Yes To The Dress" featured the second episode of its brand new season on Saturday, July 24th 2021. The episode took many viewers by surprise as it featured the blind bride, Shaela Warkentin, whom Randy Fenoli and the other store managers assisted to find a bridal gown:

8) Triple-A Game Publishers Are Finally Taking Accessibility Seriously

Thanks in large part to these developers who are blind:

9) New Award-Winning App Helps the Visually Impaired Manage Their Wardrobe

Two Industrial Design students from Carleton University have won an Innovative Designs for Accessibility (IDeA) student competition award from Universities Canada for their concept Closet, a label system that enables people with visual disabilities to independently manage their clothes:

10) H&M Tops List of Accessible Websites, As Most Retailers Fail to Cater for The Visually Impaired

Clothing retailer H&M's homepage topped the table for accessible websites, registering a perfect score of 100 on Google Lighthouse — the only site to cater for all types of visual impairments:

11) Deaf-Blind Swimmer Withdraws From Paralympics After Being Denied Access To Personal Care Assistant

Becca Meyers, a six-time medallist, has been forced to withdraw from the competition after officials denied her access to have her Personal Care Assistant with her in Japan:

12) Blind Youtube Star Molly Burke Wants To Help Young Disabled People Navigate Wellness

Molly Burke has been on YouTube for six years, sharing her life as a young blind woman to nearly two million people on a regular basis — including daily routines, unique challenge videos and anecdotes about losing her sight as a result of an eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa. With her recent partnership with Schick, however, the 27-year-old aims to do more than to share her life experiences on her platform, but also to use it to make wellness more accessible:

➜ Featured Podcast Episodes

1) Now There's a Magazine Website Specifically for You | Hadley Presents

July 23rd 2021 | Dorrie Rush, OE's Chief Content Officer, joins us for a chat about this wonderful online resource chock full of tips for living well with vision loss. You'll find great articles on using tech tools, tips for health and well-being, stories from others living with vision loss, a terrific podcast, and more:

2) Outdoors with Lawrence Gunther 30: Trail Racing Blind

July 23rd 2021 | Episode 30 of Outdoors with Lawrence Gunther explores what it takes to be a blind ultra-trail race competitor in the 125 km 24-hour Canada Death Race. Ms Lilly describes ten of the world's toughest trail races, and blind trail racer Richard Marsolais explains what it takes to compete. As always, we include low- and high-tech tips on trail racing, and insights on how trail running differs from marathons:

3) Blind Android Users 33 | Lets Socialise and Chat with Developer of Audible Vision

July 24th 2021 | We have lots of extra content on our Youtube channel. We talk about the newly launched onePlus nord2 5g. We then discuss must have apps for all who use social networks. For our spotlight section we have a chat with the developer of Audible vision app. For our app of the week section, we have demo of HalloApp app which is just launched social network app by former WhatsApp employees. For the tip of the week, we show you how to copy paste text on Android:

4) Mosen At Large 140

July 24th 2021 Amazon Echo's new voice, the Apple MagSafe Battery, meet the Optophone, a reading machine invented in the early 1900s and more:

5) That Real Blind Tech Show 45 | ACB 2021 Recap, I'm An Excellent Complainer

July 26th 2021
It's an Ed less That Real Blind Tech Show, as Allison and Brian wonder twin powers unite to bring you the latest all new That Real Blind Tech show. Listen in to find out what baffling phrase is setting off Brian's A Lady devices. Strange stuff! We then discuss self flying planes, seriously self flying planes, they are coming, well some of us think sooner than later. Epic Games is back at it, now they are suing google:

6) Eyes on Success 2131 | MuseScore Music Scoring Software

July 28th 2021
MuseScore is a program for creating and sharing musical scores. Despite being open source and free, MuseScore includes many of the features found in commercial programs. Hosts Nancy and Peter Torpey talk with Marc Sabatella, one of the developers, about his work to make MuseScore accessible with a variety of screen readers:

➜ Featured Webinars, Training Courses and Events

1) Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC): An Educational and Legal Requirement | APH

July 28th 2021 | 10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 5PM GMT | Educators have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that students with Visual Impairment, Including Blindness have opportunities to gain skills in the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC). The ECC refers to nine specialized areas of instruction that form a framework for conducting assessments and planning educational programs for this unique and complex group of students. Attend this webinar to acquire a better understanding?of the ECC and how it reflects a key educational requirement of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act:

2) In-Depth Look Into BARD (Braille and Audio Recording Download) By Scott Meneely, Reader Advisor at Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians

July 29th 2021 | 8AM PT, 9AM MT, 10AM CT, 11AM ET, 3PM GMT | Come join us for an in-depth look into BARD (Braille and Audio Recording Download). From start to finish, Scott Meneely (reader advisor at Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians) will explain, demonstrate and answer questions. Please register here. An event specific zoom link will be emailed out the evening of Wednesday, July 28. While we will leave the registration form open until 10:30AM EDT the day of the event, we will try to email the link as soon as possible, but cannot guarantee delivery:

3) Mac by the Bit (Session 3): Simple Basic Navigation

July 29th 2021 | 5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 12AM GMT on July 30th 2021 | Note: Because of the ACB convention, this is the 5th Thursday instead of the 4th as usually scheduled. Mac by the Bit, Session 3 will start with some Basic navigation procedures. Keystrokes, quick nav on and off, and even some familiar gestures, if you use an iPhone that is. Showing you the built in tutorial, users guide, and how to find help on the fly. Time permitting, we may explore an app. Come with your questions ready, and to continue on this journey of learning the Mac from the ground up, Bit by Bit. This next installment of Mac by the Bit is, Thursday July 29th 2021 at 8:00PM EST, 7:00PM EST, 6:00PM MST, and 5:00PM PST. To join at the Scheduled time click here:

4) Making Life Easier With a Smart Home, Part 1

July 29th 2021 | 5:30PM PT, 6:30PM MT, 7:30PM CT, 8:30PM ET, 12:30AM GMT on July 30th 2021 | This free Mystic Access Zoom event covers advantages and disadvantages of having a Smart Home, and Smart Home appliances for security, comfort and cooking. More to come next month:

5) The Road Ahead: Career Readiness for Students with Multiple Impairments | APH

July 30th 2021 | 10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 5PM GMT | The employment rate for individuals with visual impairments is approximately 37% and remains relatively unchanged for decades. The Road Ahead webinar series guides educators to move beyond triaged transition planning with the goal of changing the trajectory for all students. Attend this webinar to better understand what is meant by career readiness skills for students with multiple impairments, identify ways to embed skills into everyday routines, and investigate local and statewide resources available to meet student needs:

6) ParentConnect: A Family Support Group Offered in Partnership with the Virtual Parent Support Group Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind

August 4th 2021 2021 | 4:30PM PT, 5:30PM MT, 6:30PM CT, 7:30PM ET, 11:30PM GMT | APH FamilyConnect and the Chicago Lighthouse are pleased to offer this virtual support group for parents and families of children who are blind or visually impaired. These monthly sessions are for families to to connect with and learn from each other about the joys, challenges, and adventures of raising children with visual impairments and blindness. These sessions are open to families. No ACVREP or professional development credits will not be available. This Family Support Group will meet on the first Wednesday of each month:

7) Getting Started with Mantis: Connecting to iOS & Chrome | APH

August 4th 2021 | 9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 4PM GMT | You have your Mantis Q40, now what? Attend this webinar to learn how to connect your Mantis to your device(s) using one of the available free screen access solutions: VoiceOver (iOS/Apple) or ChromeVox (Chrome OS):

8) VPAT® 101: Introduction to the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template - TPGi

August 4th 2021 | 9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 4PM GMT | A Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a great way to document your product's accessibility, but many companies are unaware of their existence and how to use them. Join Accessibility Engineers Brian Elton and Mitchell Evan from TPGi for answers to questions such as: What information is contained in a VPAT? Is a VPAT just for websites? Is every organization required to have one? How can a company secure a VPAT? Is it better to create it in-house or get a third party involved?

9) Step-By-Step: An Interactive Guide to Mobility Techniques | APH

August 5th 2021 | 9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 4PM GMT | Updated digital instruction is now available for both future O&M Specialists and those currently providing direct services to individuals with visual impairments. Attend this webinar and explore APH's newly revised product, Step-by-Step: A Guide to Mobility Techniques. This interactive computer curriculum provides demonstrations of how mobility skills are performed, visual observation skills used by professionals to spot common performance errors made by new learners who are blind, and methods for correcting errors most efficiently:

10) Flipped Classroom - Building Accessible Word documents and PowerPoints | APH

August 10th 2021 | 1PM PT, 2PM MT, 3PM CT, 4PM ET, 8PM GMT | Let's flip the webinar and use our time wisely! Register and watch two courses, Building Accessible PowerPoints and Building Accessible Word Documents, in the APH Hive and then join us in this meeting to practice working through accessibility assignments together:

11) Teaching Screen Readers the Fun Way with Cody Laplante: Part 3 of 4 | APH

August 10th 2021 | 1PM PT, 2PM MT, 3PM CT, 4PM ET, 8PM GMT | It's time to practice those screen reader skills! In part 3 of this 4-part series, join Cody Laplante, founder of eye.t, to learn about creating practice activities for your screen reader lessons. Learn multiple ways to incorporate fun into your practice activities and explore activities that take the intimidation out of learning JAWS, NVDA or Chromevox:

12) Introduction to Audio Description from 3Play Media

August 12th 2021 | 11AM PT, 12PM MT, 1PM CT, 2PM ET, 6PM GMT | This webinar will cover the basics of how to add audio description to online video, legal requirements for audio description, video player compatibility, examples and demos, how to create audio description, and benefits of audio description outside of accessibility:

13) Technology User Group Helps You Prepare for the Changes Coming to Your iDevice and Computer

August 14th 2021 | 7AM PT, 8AM MT, 9AM CT, 10AM ET, 2PM GMT | On On Saturday, August 14th 2021 the Technology User Group helps you prepare for the changes coming to your iDevice and computer. This September, iOS 15 will be released. Is your phone eligible for the upgrade? What new features can you expect? Is Siri going to have added skills and abilities? Also, we will look at the expected changes to Jaws and Zoomtext as they move toward a new Beta version debuting in October. You do not have to RSVP for this event. The presentation will last about 90 minutes. We look forward to meeting with you virtually and hope that you will join us for other exciting events we have planned for 2021. This presentation will be virtual and may be joined by calling:
319-527-4994 📱️

14) 2nd Annual Sight Tech Global 2021

December 1st & 2nd 2021 | 100% free. 100% virtual. Sight Tech Global is the first global, virtual conference dedicated to fostering discussion among technology pioneers on how rapid advances in AI and related technologies will fundamentally alter the landscape of assistive technology and accessibility. Registration is now open:

➜ Directories

1) Top Tech Tidbits Blind And Visually Impaired Listserv Directory


2) Top Tech Tidbits Blind And Visually Impaired Podcast Directory


3) Top Tech Tidbits Blind And Visually Impaired Game Directory


➜ Buy, Sell or Trade

1) FOR SALE: One Humanware Braille Note Touch Plus

Listing Date: 7/8/2021 | Price: $3,000.00 USD | Condition: Gently Used. | Description: Humanware Notetaker. Includes original retail packaging, braille quick reference, charger, and executive products carrying case. Purchased 7/2019. Warranty until 7/2022. Very gently used. Found I just don't use it like I thought I would. Price negotiable. | Contact: Email kb9zuv@arrl.net 📧️ or call Gary at (765) 286-0314 📱️. |

2) FOR SALE: One Buy, Sell or Trade Advertisement (Just like this one.)

Price: $5.00 USD | Description: List your new, gently-used or refurbished item in FOUR (4) consecutive issues of Top Tech Tidbits for just $5.00 USD. | Buy an Ad: Fill out this short 10-step form ✔ to secure your Buy, Sell or Trade Advertisement today. | Learn more at: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/buy-sell-trade.html 🌐 |

Top Tech Tidbits Sponsor Classified Ads:

Sponsor: LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Adaptations Online Store

➜ LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Adaptations Online Store Featured Products
Revolution Cane Tip: Standard Roller Tip: $14.50 | Locator Dots: Small Pack of 6 (Clear or Orange): $2.00 | NFB Metal Cane Tip: $3.00 | TMAP - On Demand Tactile Street | Map (set of two maps): $25.00 | Ambutech Aluminum Folding Cane: $35.00 | NFB Chris Park Telescoping Cane: $45.00 | BoldWriter 20 Pen (Individual or 6-pack): $2.00 | Bump Dots: Mixed (50 count): $7.00 | Braille Apple Catalina VoiceOver Guide OSX 10.15 (3 volumes) - Latest Manual: $52.00 | SpeedDots iPhone Tactile Screen Protector, Phone Layout: $12.00 | NFB Chris Park 7-Piece Folding Cane: $50.00 | Visit https://adaptations.org/ to learn more today!

LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Adaptations Online Store logo.

Sponsor Since: October 1, 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: https://adaptations.org/ 🌐

Toll Free: (888) 400-8933 📱️

Local: (415) 694-7301 📱️

About: Founded in 1902, San Francisco's LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired promotes the independence, equality and self-reliance of people who are blind or have low vision. Adaptations is your online go-to for tools, technology, and accessible solutions for blind and visually impaired people.

Sponsor: American Printing House (APH)

➜ Build A Foundational Understanding Of Construction And Electronics With BRIC: Structures® Access Kit From APH - An Adapted Version Of An Educational Elenco® Product For Students Who Are Blind And Visually Impaired!
The BRIC: Structures® Access Kit combines ordinary building bricks with Snap Circuits® to create 26 projects, such as circuits and real-world structures, that run on electricity. Visit https://www.aph.org/product/bric-structures-access-kit/ to learn more.

American Printing House (APH) logo.

Sponsor Since: July 2nd 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.aph.org/ 🌐

Toll Free and Customer Support: (800) 223-1839 📱️

Phone: (512) 895-2405 📱️

Fax: (512) 899-2284

YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/WENRlCNDsxQ 🎥

Free Apps & Actions from APH: https://www.aph.org/free-apps-from-aph/ 📱

About: Since 1858, the American Printing House for the Blind has operated in Louisville, Kentucky as the world's largest nonprofit organization, creating accessible learning experiences through educational, workplace, and independent living products and services for people who are blind and visually impaired. APH believes that the future belongs to everyone. By offering innovative products and services, APH opens up a door of opportunities for lifelong independence and success.

Sponsor: GuideLights and Gadgets

➜ GuideLights And Gadgets: Post Convention Specials
Post-Convention Specials: (1) New: heavy dudy cowhide backpack; string closure with protective flap; two small pockets; main compartment 17 inches, Intro $90 w/shipping. (2) We Keep Growing It Bigger: the waist pack that will easily hold a forty cell display (orbit) or a 32 cell notetaker (touch, POLARIS AND THE BS6.) 18 inches long with seven other compartments. $85 w/shipping. (3) Non-Collapsing aluminum Telescopic Canes, models from 11 to 48 or 59 inches and any length in between; $55 w/shipping. (4) New 5 pocket Cowhide Neck Pouch; totally adjustable, 7.5 inch phone. $50, w/shipping. More info: Call Barry (617) 969-7500 📱️ or email bscheur.gadgetsandtech@gmail.com 📧️.

Director, http://www.GuideLightsAndGadgets.us

GuideLights And Gadgets logo. The silhouette of a man with a cane in one hand and the harness of a trained guide dog in the other walk together through the grass at sunrise. GuideLights And Gadgets. Personal. Affordable. Responsive. Trusted.

Sponsor Since: June 25th 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: http://www.guidelightsandgadgets.us/ 🌐

For Gadgets and Leather Contact Barry at:
Phone: (617) 969-7500 📱️
Email: bscheur.gadgetsandtech@gmail.com 📧️

For All Things Dog Contact Kae at:
Phone: (781) 286-1696 📱️
Email: guidelightdogs@gmail.com 📧️

About: Our Scope of Products: We specialize in 3 lines of products, all intended to assist in access to adaptive electronics, enhance experiences for guide dog teams, and offer practical solutions for organization and travel with a variety of leather bags, pouches, and backpacks. Then there are the random products that are included, just for fun! We enjoy working with our customers 1-on-1 to their money is well spent and not wasted on something they may not use. In thinking about our customers and whether we will carry a product our guiding motto is that it must be: practical, affordable, simple, tested, and accessible (the pasta principle) and it seems to work very well.

What We Do: We bring our business either via zoom, phone, or to your conference or convention, to give each customer a chance for questions and where possible, "hands on" evaluation of the merchandise. Kae and I test and use each product as blind users before we put it in our catalog. In the case of products for guide and service dogs, our own three guides, Thor, Debra and Melody, are engaged in the process of evaluating the usefulness, durability, and/or fun of the product. We want each of our products to be useful, accessible, afforable, and, whenever possible, fun! Our inventory is constantly changing, so a visit to us is never the same experience twice!

Sponsor: A. T. Guys

➜ Pluggable USB-C 7-in-1 Hub
If you're like me, you probably have more things to plug into your computer than available ports. That's why we've now added the Pluggable USB-C 7-in-1 Hub. Plug it into your laptop and you will get 3 USB ports, SD and Micro SD card slots, a USBC charging port, and an HDMI video port. It's available now for just $29.95:

A. T. Guys logo.

Sponsor Since: June 11th 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.atguys.com/ 🌐

Phone: (269) 216-4798 📱️

Email: support@atguys.com 📧️

Skype: atguys ✆

Twitter: https://twitter.com/atguys (@atguys) ✍

Facebook: https://facebook.com/atguys

About: ATGuys.com. Your access technology experts, home for cool gadgets, accessories, and more. Our products are all tested to work great for blind and visually impaired users but also work just as well for anyone. If there's an item you're looking for, or if you have a question, please don't hesitate to send us a message or call (269) 216-4798 📱️.

Sponsor: Dean Martineau

➜ Voice Training
Would you like to learn to control your computer with your voice, or to create documents using your voice rather than the keyboard? There are several tools to accomplish these objectives. I can provide training in their use. Write to me if interested at:

Editor, Top Tech Tidbits Newsletter

Top Tech Tidbits logo.

Sponsor Since: June 4th 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/ 🌐

About: Dean Martineau is the Founder and a Contributing Editor to the Top Tech Tidbits Newsletter.

Sponsor: Pneuma Solutions

➜ 3 Easy Steps To Accessible Shared Content For Your Remote Presentations: Rid Digital Darkness For Blind Attendee's Forever!
It's as easy as 1-2-3. Upload content... Copy a link... and paste the link in chat. Attendees never wonder what's shared on screen during online presentations. Upload slides within 5 minutes of presenting. Attendees can download content in multiple formats to view later. Eliminate digital darkness at your next online event with Scribe for Meetings. Get in on our, "Accessible Meetings and webinars for Life," introductory offer. Reseller opportunities available to expand your businesses accessibility offerings.

Pneuma Solutions logo.

Sponsor Since: June 3rd 2021 Calendar icon.

Website: https://pneumasolutions.com/ 🌐

Email Newsletter: Click here to receive periodic news via email concerning Pneuma Solutions products for business, consumers and education.

Sales: (866) 202-0520 📱️

Support: (650) 249-1000 📱️

About: Backed by two decades of creating award-winning accessible cloud technologies for people with visual impairments, Pneuma Solutions is the global leader in accessible cloud-based solutions. Pneuma Solutions was founded by long-time accessibility developers Mike Calvo and Matt Campbell. For more information on their individual profiles, click on their respective bio pages. We're proud to be the first company to develop cloud-based accessibility at the network level. Our tools provide organizations, like yours, a way to deliver secure, accessible information right from your network or from our secure servers. You can provide your print disabled consumers, students, employees, and citizens with a multitude of accessible options. Additionally, we offer a suite of cloud-based applications to blind and print disabled consumers directly from our website. Our consumer products are designed to make the day-to-day lives of blind and print disabled individuals more accessible and simpler to manage. Access to information is not a privilege, it's a right. It's also your right to obtain affordable, accessible cloud solutions to serve your end user. When organizations like yours implement our tools, together we help make it a more inclusive world for people with disabilities. Want to know more about how we can help you become more inclusive?

Contact us here. We'll be happy to discuss how our tools can help with your accessibility needs.

Sponsor: Freedom Scientific

➜ Freedom Scientific Focus Blue 5th Generation Refreshable Braille Displays
Our world-class refreshable Braille displays deliver efficient Braille input and outstanding output for your PC or mobile device. The robust Bluetooth® connectivity provides seamless use with Windows®, Mac®, iPhones®, iPads®, and AndroidTM smartphones and tablets. Ergonomic navigation features allow quick, natural hand movements for greater productivity. When used with JAWS® screen reading software, they support our popular Braille Study Mode, an interactive tool for teaching and learning Braille. Learn more today:

Freedom Scientific logo.

Sponsor Since: April 15th 2021 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.freedomscientific.com/ 🌐

Email: info@vispero.com 📧️

Phone: (800) 444-4443 📱️

Facebook | Twitter | YouTube (Training)

About: Freedom Scientific, a Vispero brand, is a leading worldwide brand of assistive technology products for those with vision impairments. We offer products designed to promote independence, allowing blind and low vision individuals the same access to information as their sighted peers. World-renowned JAWS (Job Access With Speech) screen reading software and ZoomText screen magnification software provide users the independence and ability to seek education and obtain or maintain a career after vision loss. Our expansive product line includes both low vision and blindness technology for all aspects of daily living. The wide range of RUBY, TOPAZ, and ONYX desktop and portable video magnifiers are designed for their ease of use and assist with daily activities. Our impressive line of blindness hardware products include refreshable Braille displays and scanning and reading devices, offering many options tailored to fit individual needs.

Sponsor: APH ConnectCenter

➜ VisionAware Resources Including the Directory of Services
APHConnectCenter has resources to help blind and low vision people thrive. In addition to the Reader's Digest Getting Started with Vision Loss Guide You can also check out the Directory of Services to locate resources in your community for living with blindness and low vision. https://visionaware.org/

APH ConnectCenter logo.

Sponsor Since: March 4th 2021 Calendar icon.

Website: https://aphconnectcenter.org/ 🌐

Email: connectcenter@aph.org 📧️

APH ConnectCenter Information and Referral Line:
(800) 232-5463 📱️

Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET

Facebook (CareerConnect) | Facebook (FamilyConnect) | Facebook (VisionAware) | Twitter | YouTube

About: The APH ConnectCenter offers curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, and job seekers who are blind or visually impaired, and their associated professionals, leading to greater independence and success in their lives.

Sponsor: Humanware

➜ BRAILLIANT Renewed! The NEW Brailliant BI X Series is here!
The wait is over! A redefined family of Brailliant refreshable Braille displays has arrived! The NEW Brailliant BI X Series will help you stay connected, download books from many participating online libraries and share information easily with your peers. You will enjoy the intuitive, seamless user experience of KeySoft Lite, the HumanWare flagship accessibility suite designed to make you more productive. Including the Brailliant BI 40X and the Brailliant BI 20X, this is the Brailliant idea you need!

Humanware logo.

Sponsor Since: February 4th 2021 Calendar icon.

Website: http://humanware.com/ 🌐

Phone (Asia): +61 2 9686 2600 📱️
Phone (Australia): +61 2 9686 2600 📱️
Phone (Canada): +1 888 723-7273 📱️
Phone (Europe): +44 1933 415 800 📱️
Phone (International): +44 1933 415 800 📱️
Phone (Ireland): +01 8307033 📱️
Phone (New Zealand): +027 700 1674 📱️
Phone (United Kingdom): +01933 415800 📱️
Phone (United States): +1 800 722-3393 📱️

YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRWVYiggn-w 🎥

About: HumanWare is the global leader in assistive technology for people who are blind or have low vision. HumanWare offers a wide range of innovative products, including the BrailleNote Touch, first Google certified braille tablet, the iOS compatible Brailliant braille displays, Victor Reader®, the world's leading family of digital audiobook players, the unique Prodigi® family of desktop and portable vision and reading systems, and the ultra-portable explore line of electronic handheld magnifier.

Sponsor: Be My Eyes

➜ Accessible Pharmacy Joins Be My Eyes
Accessible Pharmacy, the new, home delivery pharmacy with a blind founder, is bringing its full range of support and services to Be My Eyes. Users of the Be My Eyes app can now call Accessible Pharmacy directly to get support with medication, medical devices, and even home delivery COVID testing. With a fully trained and discreet pharmacy staff on call from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Pacific, Accessible Pharmacy is the new way for blind and low vision consumers to get an easy, frictionless pharmacy experience. Call today — and you'll never have to take an Uber to the drugstore again.

Lead Contact: Will Butler, VP of Community

Be My Eyes logo.

Sponsor Since: November 5th 2020 Calendar icon.

Website: https://www.bemyeyes.com/ 🌐

Download The App (iOS):
Be My Eyes for iOS - From the Apple App Store 📱

Download The App (Android):
Be My Eyes for Android - From the Google Play Store 📱

About: Be My Eyes is a free mobile app that allows anyone who needs video support to get assistance from a dynamic range of volunteers and company customer support professionals from around the world. With more than 4 million volunteers and dozens of companies offering on-demand visual interpretation and support, Be My Eyes is a free, unlimited way to bridge gaps and get access to whatever information you need — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in any language. Download the app today from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

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Top Tech Tidbits is the world's leading not-for-profit access technology publication that reaches over 33,000 access technology professionals, educators and enthusiasts, all over the world, each week.

Top Tech Tidbits offers a total of 12 Sponsorship Packages which are used to support the ongoing distribution of the publication.

There are  2  of  12  packages currently available.

If you would like to become a Top Tech Tidbits Sponsor, but there are no sponsorship packages currently available, we encourage you to join our waiting list by sending an email to: sponsorships@toptechtidbits.com 📧️.

Once you have joined our waiting list we will notify you the next time a current sponsor decides not to renew. You will then have 72 hours to secure your sponsorship before it is offered to the next sponsor on the list.

When available you can secure one of these packages for just $325.00 USD for the next 3 months, or save $100.00 USD and join us for the year. All Sponsorship Packages are offered on a first-come, first serve basis. Please help us to support the ongoing distribution of this publication. Consider showing your support for the world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access technology while enjoying these incredible benefits. Learn more today at: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/sponsorship-packages.html.

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If you would like to become a Tidbits Supporter by making a small donation to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Top Tech Tidbits publication, we offer the following options with our sincerest thanks, and most heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support.

In tandem with Our Sponsors, these are the people that make the ongoing distribution of Tidbits possible:

Platinum Supporters:

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1.) Gary Lee
Platinum Supporter since June 25, 2020

2.) Anonymous Donation
Platinum Supporter since July 9, 2020

3.) Pshon Barrett
Platinum Supporter since January 28, 2021

Gold Supporters:

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1.) Howard Goldstein
Gold Supporter since June 4, 2020

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Gold Supporter since June 12, 2020

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Gold Supporter since January 14, 2021

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Bronze Supporter since July 16, 2020

2.) Shaun Everiss
Bronze Supporter since September 10, 2020

Top Tech Tidbits Subscription Information:


Founded in 2004, Top Tech Tidbits is the world's leading not-for-profit Access Technology publication that reaches over 33,000 assistive technology professionals, educators and enthusiasts each week. Sign up here. Review the archive here. Adaptive Technology refers to items that are specifically designed for people with disabilities. Adaptive Technology is a subset of Assistive Technology. Adaptive Technology often refers specifically to electronic and information technology access. Top Tech Tidbits is a Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication. Publisher: Aaron Di Blasi. Contributing Editors: John Hanlin, Jenna Lang. Top Tech Tidbits is a sponsor and reader supported publication.


Top Tech Tidbits is released every Thursday morning at 6:00 AM ET.


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Tidbits are intentionally concise. As a result we know that some readers may not always understand all of the items listed because little explanation is given. If a particular Tidbit brings up a question in your mind, feel free to ask, and we will try to answer as time and knowledge permit.


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Five stylized access logos, a long cane user, hearing aid user, full braille cell, fingers signing interpreter, and enlarged print.
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A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication
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