JAWS for Windows with Microsoft Teams Power Tip: How To Access Chats in the New Teams with JAWS
Released: 3/28/2024
The keyboard model in the new Microsoft Teams provides quick navigation of chats, the activity feed, and teams and channels.
To Access Chats:
1.) Press CTRL+2 on the number row to navigate to the chat area.
2.) Navigate the list of chats with the up ARROW and down arrow keys.
3.) Press the SPACEBAR on a chat to expand it.
4.) Navigate the messages within the expanded chat with the UP ARROW and down arrow keys. Focus goes to the oldest unread message so you can work your way forward.
5.) Press CTRL+R to reply to a message. Focus will be placed in the compose box where you can type your message and press ENTER to send.
6.) Press CTRL+M to return to the list of messages.
7.) Press ESC to exit the current chat and return to the chat list.
The Power of JAWS!
This Tip Brought To You By: Freedom Scientific
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