JAWS Power Tip: How To Create Lists in MS Word with JAWS
Released: 9/5/2024
Word enables you to create different types of lists for organizing and presenting information.
To create these lists using JAWS, follow these steps.
➜︎ To Create A Numbered List:
1.) Type 1 on the number row followed by a period, then press SPACE.
2.) Type the first item in your list and press ENTER.
3.) Word will continue numbering when you press ENTER.
4.) Press ENTER twice once you have typed the last item in the list to turn automatic numbering off.
➜︎ To Create A Bulleted List:
1.) Type * (asterisk) followed by a SPACE, then type your first list item. Then press ENTER.
2.) Word automatically adds the next bullet.
3.) Once you type the last item in the list, press ENTER twice to turn off automatic bullets.
4.) Alternatively, press CTRL+SHIFT+L to create a bullet, then type an item.
5.) A bullet is automatically added when you press ENTER.
6.) Press ENTER twice to turn off automatic bullets.
➜︎ To Create A List From Existing Text:
1.) Select the text by pressing SHIFT+DOWN ARROW or your preferred selection keyboard command.
2.) Press CTRL+SHIFT+L.
The bullets will be added to each item you selected.
The Power of JAWS!
This Tip Brought To You By: Freedom Scientific
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