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Top Tech Tidbits. The Week's News in Access Technology. Masthead logo includes title as well as five photos, a blind man with a white cane wearing dark sunglasses talking and listening to his mobile phone, a woman with sandy brown to blonde hair wearing a hearing aid, finger tips feeling braille dots on a refreshable braille display, a man making the sign for 'family' in American Sign Language (ASL), and a woman reading text from a tablet using magnification software.





Top Tech Tidbits Polls. Accessibility Update.

Released: 10/15/2020

Author: Aaron Di Blasi, Publisher, Top Tech Tidbits

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An illustration of filling out polls in various handwritten ways.

Greetings everyone. Firstly, I would like to apologize to all you for the confusion around Top Tech Tidbits polls. I'm afraid we too have been a bit confused as well.

We have been wrestling with the tech behind the polls since we started them, with Polls for Pages ensuring us that a Facebook account was not necessary to fill out a poll. Which we have learned is true, but only if you are using Google Chrome as your web browser. (And it's a Thursday. And it's raining outside.)

Furthermore, we have just learned this morning that one does in fact appear to need a Facebook account in order to review the results, which we are very displeased with. We had no desire whatsoever to have Tidbits Polls tied to Facebook when we started. We are only now learning that this is truly the case.

The issue for us was one of cost. Each of these applications, including Polls for Pages, come with a monthly subscription fee. And since Tidbits is still attempting to stand on its own two feet we went with the least costly solution. And it seems the price we paid for this discount was being chained to Facebook. For which we sincerely apologize. And have every intention of remedying in some manner going forward. We're just not quite sure how, yet.

We are currently looking into other polling solutions. If anyone knows of a polling solution with a proven history of accessibility (and no ties to Facebook) we will be happy to consider it, but again, cost will ultimately be our deciding factor until we are able to fill all 12 of the sponsor slots needed to support the ongoing distribution of the Tidbits publication. Something I very much believe we will do.

And once we do, we will then have more leeway to consider solutions that might cost a bit more. Please feel free to provide suggestions. I will update everyone on this again just as soon as we have some new developments.

Thank you so much for your patience, and I apologize for the frustration. I assure you it is shared by all of us. And we will find a solution.

Aaron Di Blasi, PMP
Publisher, Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐

Project Management Professional, Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd.
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