Reader Review: V7 Deluxe USB Stereo Headset with Microphone, Mute / Volume Button
Released: 1/1/2023
Author: Donna Jodhan, Top Tech Tidbits Reader
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Greetings everyone. I am pleased to share this product review with you.
I have searched far and wide to find a headset that I really like.
One that will fit snugly over my head and on my ears but still fits comfortably. One that is not difficult to use with a PC, and one that enables me to listen comfortably to both music and teleconferences, and one that has a high quality microphone that enables me to be heard when I attend teleconferences.
I found it all at last. This product fits all of my aforementioned requirements. And the price was just right.
Product Description:
➜ A high quality stereo headset with microphone.
➜ It has a USB connector and you don't need any device drivers to install it on your computer.
➜ 3 buttons. Up Volume, Down Volume, and Mute.
➜ A nice long cord that enables you to sit back comfortably so you don't need to be too close to your computer.
I purchased this product from the A. T. Guys.
This Review Brought To You By: Award Winning Sight Loss Coach, Author and Advocate Donna Jodhan
Learn more about Award Winning Sight Loss Coach, Author and Advocate Donna Jodhan today: Website: https://donnajodhan.com/ Email: donnajodhan@donnajodhan.com 📧️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorDonnaJodhan/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/author_jodhan YouTube: https://donnajodhan.com/youtube |