JAWS Power Tip: Using Voice Schemes
Released: 3/11/2021
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How can you tell when something is highlighted in Microsoft Word? We recommend using Schemes.
• Open a Word document.
• Press INSERT+ALT+S and JAWS should say Select a Scheme.
• You will have a list of Voice Schemes and be highlighted on Word Classic.
• Type "Colors" to move to that scheme and press ENTER.
Once back in the document you can start reading. JAWS will announce when the colors of the text or background changes.
Remember to set your Scheme back to Word Classic once you are finished.
You can see a short video of this feature at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eCf4z_esBo&t=27s.
The Power of JAWS!
This Tip Brought To You By: Freedom Scientific
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