JAWS Power Tip: No Numpad? No Problem. Desktop Versus Laptop Keyboard Layout
Released: 7/20/2023
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JAWS offers a couple of different layouts for using the keyboard, in particular, desktop and laptop.
Many people use laptops which do not include a Numeric Keypad.
This numpad is used to perform various Screen Reading commands in conjunction with the INSERT key (known as the JAWS key) when NUMLOCK is off.
Laptop layout allows you to use the CAPSLOCK key as the JAWS key in conjunction with various letters for screen reading like you would on the numpad.
For example, CAPSLOCK+ K, is the “Say Word” command and CAPSLOCK+I is the "say line" command.If you turn on keyboard Help with CAPSLOCK+1 on the number row, you can familiarize yourself with the rest of the commands.
Many laptop users choose to connect an external full keyboard. Should you do this, you can still set JAWS to laptop layout to use both the numpad for commands as you would in desktop layout, and the CAPS LOCK key as your JAWS key, giving you the best of both worlds.
This will also help you get used to performing commands in laptop layout for those situations where a numpad is not present.
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This Tip Brought To You By: Freedom Scientific
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