JAWS Power Tip: OCR Directly to Microsoft Word in JAWS and Fusion 2021
Released: 4/29/2021
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The Convenient OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature has been enhanced to support sending recognized text directly to Word.
Convenient OCR enables you to access images containing text that is part of the image and displays this information in the Results Viewer.
This includes onscreen images such as the graphical setup screen for an application, an inaccessible PDF opened in Adobe Reader, a currently selected image file in Windows Explorer, or a document acquired by the PEARL camera or a flatbed scanner.
If Microsoft Office is installed on your system, you can now:
Use the new command INSERT+SPACEBAR, O followed by R to perform OCR on a selected image file in File Explorer or the Desktop and place the recognized text directly into a Word document.
You can also press the APPLICATIONS key and choose Convenient OCR to Word with JAWS or Fusion from the context menu.
Use the new Open in Word link that appears at the bottom of the Results Viewer once the OCR process is complete.
For more information about using Convenient OCR, press INSERT+SPACEBAR, O followed by QUESTION MARK or refer to the Convenient OCR topic in the JAWS help.
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This Tip Brought To You By: Freedom Scientific
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