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Top Tech Tidbits. The Week's News in Access Technology. Masthead logo includes title as well as five photos, a blind man with a white cane wearing dark sunglasses talking and listening to his mobile phone, a woman with sandy brown to blonde hair wearing a hearing aid, finger tips feeling braille dots on a refreshable braille display, a man making the sign for 'family' in American Sign Language (ASL), and a woman reading text from a tablet using magnification software.





I submit stuff to Tidbits all the time but it never gets posted. How come?

Released: 12/31/2020

Author: Aaron Di Blasi, Publisher, Top Tech Tidbits

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Many hands in a row each holding up a newspaper.

Greetings everyone. My name is Aaron Di Blasi and I am the Publisher of the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday newsletter. Because we get asked this question so frequently I have been asked by the Tidbits Team to answer it here, in this post, officially, so that all of our readers, supporters and sponsors can gain a better understanding of exactly how and why we choose those items that make it into Tidbits, and exactly how and why we choose those items that don't.

It can be a difficult subject. Something that I have learned from speaking with so many of you about this topic via email and phone. So in order to properly address this question I would first like to outline the background upon which our current decision-making process is based.

The Tidbits Team here at Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. currently consists of four people. Myself, Aaron Di Blasi, Publisher, our Senior Editor, Mr. Dean Martineau, our Production Editor, Mrs. Jenna Lang and our Auxiliary Editor, Mr. John Hanlin. Jenna is a digital marketing specialist and John is an attorney specializing in intellectual property law.

Each week Dean sends to us (Aaron, Jenna, and John) his list of Tidbits that have made the cut on his end. While we cannot speak to Dean's specific process for choosing Tidbits we do have one general rule that we share. Our primary criteria for selecting any Tidbit for inclusion used to require, at minimum, a double yes to the following two questions:

1.) Is the item being submitted a tip about technology?

2.) Is the technology item being submitted related to assistive and/or adaptive technology?

If yes to both, that was it. Easy peasy.

Except it wasn't. It wasn't easy or peasy. And that's because there are so many news items out there related to both technology and assistive technology that are not, by definition, "tips" or 'tidbits". Going even further along this road there are so many news items out there that are related to blindness and/or low-vision but not necessarily assistive technology. Think press releases from assistive technology companies. Related to technology? Yes. Related to assistive technology? Yes. But not always a "tip" or a "tidbit". And that's important. Because that's what Tidbits subscribers want:

"Actionable assistive technology information."

Throughout each week Jenna, John and I also recruit Tidbits which we merge with Dean's provided list each week upon arrival. Sometimes there are duplicates, but rarely. From there a Tidbit on this final list may be dropped due to a marketing concern (like a broken link or inaccessibility) or a legal concern (like a possible phishing scam).

Once each of these things have been ruled out then we generally have to deal with quantity. More often than not there are just too many Tidbits to release each week. So Jenna, John and I often have to cut those Tidbits that we feel are less "relevant" to the current week than others. The current, unofficial limit that we're trying to stick to is 20, but even that is becoming more and more difficult as more and more timely and relevant adaptive technology news items are being released each week.

So we are considering ways to solve this dilemma without affecting the expectations of current Tidbits subscribers. One way to do this, and quite possibly the very best way to do this, would be within separate, dedicated sections of the newsletter that would follow Tidbits. Think about a section just for webinars, or press releases from AT companies, or job postings within the AT industry. This way no one type of news would get in the way of any other, and everyone would get the information they seek.

Stay tuned for more information around this, and if you ever have a question around why your Tidbit was or wasn't included please feel free to reach out to me directly at publisher@toptechtidbits.com.

Until next time, thanks so much for reading. We look forward to keeping you informed.

Aaron Di Blasi, PMP
Publisher, Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐

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