JAWS Power Tip: Using the Word List Command
Released: 11/18/2021
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You have all kinds of options to find something on a webpage or in a document. You can use JAWS Find, you could create PlaceMarkers on a webpage or in a document, but something I have grown to love is the Word List command:
• Open a webpage or document
• Type the first couple of letters of a word that you expect to be on the webpage or in the document.
• If the word appears it will be highlighted and if there are multiple occurrences of the word then a number will appear after the word.
• Press ENTER on the word, and you will move to the first occurrence of the word.
• If on a webpage you can press the letter "W" to find the next occurrence of the word.
• If in a document, you will need to toggle on Quick Keys before pressing the letter "W".
I have found this helpful on webpages like Facebook. If you want to find the word "JAWS" or "Groups" it is easier than pressing TAB.
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This Tip Brought To You By: Freedom Scientific
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