JAWS for Windows with Microsoft Teams Power Tip: Filtering by Unread Chats
Released: 4/28/2022
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One of the challenges in Teams is having a lot of chats and not being able to see which chats are unread without arrowing through the list to find the unread chats.
Teams has a feature that allows you to filter by unread chats.
1. Press CTRL+2 to move to the Chat window.
2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+F to move to the Filter. JAWS says "Filter by name Edit."
3. Press TAB to the "More Options" Button.
4. Press ENTER and choose Unread. JAWS says "Filter Unread is selected."
5. Press CTRL+2 to move to the Chat list.
6. Arrow DOWN the list of unread chats.
The Power of JAWS!
This Tip Brought To You By: Freedom Scientific
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