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Dolphin SuperNova Power Tip: Easily Toggle Between the Dolphin Cursor and Forms Mode to Complete a Form

Released: 6/9/2022

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Dolphin SuperNova Tips.

Dolphin Cursor' is the default mode for reading and navigating the page — this is the mode where the H key takes you to the next heading. Whereas ''Forms Mode' passes almost all keystrokes on to the browser - this is the mode where the H key puts the letter H in a text box.

SuperNova will toggle between these modes automatically — assuming you are using the Tab key to navigate — based on the type of thing that has keyboard focus. SuperNova announces the change to Forms Mode with a spoken prompt. This occurs when you navigate to text boxes or other inputs or widgets that require keyboard interactions. When you exit the form, it will announce the change back to Dolphin Cursor.

Tip: Press DOLPHIN + ENTER to toggle between Forms Mode and Dolphin Cursor manually. Though this should not be necessary for widgets that are properly coded.

When a form control gets keyboard focus, first its label is announced by SuperNova, then it will announce the type of form control, like a drop down box or radio button. If a group of form controls — typically groups of checkboxes or radio buttons — are contained in a field set with a legend, SuperNova presents items in a field set as a group. It reads the legend when you first navigate to anything within the group.

Use the following browser keyboard controls to interact with form controls:

Tab and Shift + Tab: Navigate through form controls.

Space to select and deselect checkboxes.

Up Arrow / Down Arrow: Select from a group of radio buttons.

Up Arrow / Down Arrow or the first letter of an option: Select an option in a combo box.

Enter: Submit a form.

This Tip Brought To You By: Dolphin Computer Access

Learn more about SuperNova on the Dolphin Website, register for free webinars or subscribe to the SuperNova Everyday Essentials YouTube Playlist.

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