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Top Tech Tidbits. The Week's News in Access Technology. Masthead logo includes title as well as five photos, a blind man with a white cane wearing dark sunglasses talking and listening to his mobile phone, a woman with sandy brown to blonde hair wearing a hearing aid, finger tips feeling braille dots on a refreshable braille display, a man making the sign for 'family' in American Sign Language (ASL), and a woman reading text from a tablet using magnification software.





Top Tech Tidbits Contributors. Now Anyone Can Submit A Tidbit. Here's How It Works.

Released: 9/2/2021

Author: Aaron Di Blasi, Publisher, Top Tech Tidbits

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Top Tech Tidbits. The Week's News in Access Technology. Masthead logo includes title as well as five photos, a blind man with a white cane wearing dark sunglasses talking and listening to his mobile phone, a woman with sandy brown to blonde hair wearing a hearing aid, finger tips feeling braille dots on a refreshable braille display, a man making the sign for 'family' in American Sign Language (ASL), and a woman reading text from a tablet using magnification software.

Submit a Tidbit button.

With the announcement from Dean Martineau last week that he would be transitioning from Senior Editor to Guest Contributor many readers have asked whose voice they will be hearing within Tidbits editorial going forward. That distinction, for now at least, will reside with myself, Aaron Di Blasi, Publisher.

We have two other people here at the Vault that dedicate their time and expertise each week to collecting and vetting Tidbits. Mr. John Hanlin, an attorney-at-law whose firm serves BVI clients, and Mrs. Jenna Lang, a digital marketing manager with a son who was born blind.

In addition to the contributions provided by John and Jenna, I, Aaron Di Blasi, Publisher, also receive contributions from many other contributors across the BVI industry each week. Together, John, Jenna and I decide which contributions are relevant and which are not. How do we determine that?

In order for a contribution to be included as a Tidbit it must provide:

1.) "Actionable Assistive Technology Information." In other words, it must provide information that a reader can put to use immediately. Another term we use for this is "immediately functional information."

2.) In addition to being "immediately functional" the information must also be relatively new by having been released within the last week or so.

If a contribution meets both of these criteria then we generally feel that it will be a good news resource for Tidbits readers and it will be approved as a Tidbit. I would say that only about 40% of contributions make this cut.

We do this on purpose because we know from reader feedback that you would rather be provided with a small amount of very useful information each week, than a large amount of only minimally useful information. So in short, we're picky because you've asked us to be.

And that's it. Rinse and repeat.

Therefore, in order to make it as easy as possible for anyone to share an important Tidbit with other Tidbit readers, we have created and made public a short 6-Step Form on the Tidbits website that anyone can now use to submit a potential Tidbit for consideration. This form covers Tidbit submissions only. We are still working on adding short forms for submissions to other sections of the newsletter so those announcements will be made as they happen.

Please note that Tidbit submissions are already very high, so we ask you to please consider carefully the requirements outlined above before you submit.

This submission form can also be found alphabetically within the Main Menu of the Top Tech Tidbits website under "Tidbit Submission Form."

From all of us here at Tidbits we sincerely hope that you will enjoy this new functionality and that it will ultimately lead to even more timely and intriguing Tidbits!

Submit your Tidbit today at: https://toptechtidbits.com/submit-news.

Thanks so much for reading. We look forward to keeping you informed.

Aaron Di Blasi, PMP
Publisher, Top Tech Tidbits
The Week's News in Access Technology
https://toptechtidbits.com 🌐

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